About the LGBT thread

What kind of hellscape do you live in for it to be 1:30 PM? Hawaii? Guam?

…you lucky tauren you. I’m sure Florida is better anyway >.>

when a bat cant be found just grab the heaviest blunt object and :clubs: them with it

You are wise beyond your years, spacegoat. Wise indeed. :clubs:

i come from the land down under

I pity you. You have spiders the size of one of my sheds and your entire country is on fire.

Then again, we have California. I’m not sure which of us has it worse.

Where women glow and men plunder?

not sure…
i’m too busy running and taking cover because i heard thunder. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

(but seriously, that nap sounds really good now that lunch has had a bit of time to settle!)

im sure you already heard but Colin Hayes revived men at work although hes the only original band member but theres supposed to be like a 15 city tour planned

keep your gender issues out of the game period . don’t really care if you don’t like what I say but ill say it anyways if the thread was locked theres a good reason , it doesn’t belong in game. as far as im concerned science doesn’t lie if your born a dude I don’t care what part you have docs cut off and pull out youll be a dude always theres nothing you can do to change it . chickies your the same no matter what you do youll still be a chick your dna doesn’t lie and if you think a society catering to your thinking on any given day of the week is going to make what your doing more normal , guess what , not. if your a chick your not a dude and if said chick is with a chick than you are what you were at birth doing it with same sex another chick . dude with dudes will still be dudes youll never have a monthly girly thing because your not nor will ever be a girly . no one can be anything more than what they were simply born as you get what you get and that s it and none of it belongs in game do what you want in your own home but stop trying to push your stuff on others in every corner of life including games people play . deal with reality don’t try and contort it

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It never was, it was Black History Month. But we don’t take time to make asinine ignorant posts demanding that real life is ported into the game.

Maybe they could have dressed Velen as MLK and had him preach a sermon in SW cathedral as an event.

Since we are adding random demands for Blizzard, we can add that to the list.

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February has historically been LGBT history month in the UK. America, Canada, Brazil and Australia also have an equivalent, though is’s not always the same date.

This is the US WoW forum…


Yeaaah this is the United States tho


Lots of people use the US Forums/US servers.
I guess people should just make threads about it in June and October, for the US versions of Pride and LGBT history month :man_shrugging:

This trend of people trying to change their whole personalities around their sexuality.

I refuse the flag, the “month”, everything. Hell, I can’t even remember what month it takes place in the US. Nothing bad has ever happened to me, I have never been treated abnormally. I don’t sit around and brood about the people that might not accept my way of life because they don’t matter.

It’s not a culture.


You should expect people on the US forums to be Americans and hold that as the standard, frankly.


By N’zoth’s incomprehensible hangers, this. A thousand times and a thousand times more, this.


I wish there were more people like you. I have been reading your responses, and you remind me a lot of myself.

I’ve had people literally refuse to touch items ive handled because they are afraid of my skin color or think of me as dirty because of it. But I just shrug it off and keep living my life. I don’t let it define me and I don’t demand illogical things that have no importance to my life or the way I enjoy my hobbies and past times. Life isn’t fair. Some people can’t seem to grasp that reality.

They are even willing to make an attempt at de-legitimizing a legal US holiday created to support a minority that was literally oppressed and enslaved in order to try to prop up their demands.

If you want to celebrate the holiday in February, post in the EU forums.

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I’m glad you’ve had mostly positive experiences.
I’ve been confronted at parties, seen friends abused/harassed and would certainly be disowned by certain members of my family if they knew I wasn’t straight.

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To put this whole thing in perspective…

I see a thread about a fake video game, that less than 2 million people even play, that already has LGBTQ characters in it (which has been proven several times in the duration of this thread) with people crying because they want more and more stereotyped characters…

and I compare such “anguish” with the fact that, not 100 feet away from where we played at my grandma’s house in the country, a black man was hung to death in a tree.

Complain some more though about your parties.