About the LGBT thread

LOL On that note, I think I’ll finally go home.

whats worse even Sesame Street is kowtowing to them they actually added a TG puppet to their show

guess they want to indoctrinate children early as possible pretty sad when even a kids show is used as a political soapbox

Jim Henson is spinning in his grave

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Sesame Street has been catering to the gay community ever since Ernie and Bert, everyone knows that Ernie was a gay character

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They both are, so says their writer:

Saltzman was in a relationship with the film editor Arnold Glassman, who died in 2003. He added that he “always felt that without a huge agenda, when I was writing Bert and Ernie, they were [a couple]. I didn’t have any other way to contextualise them. The other thing was, more than one person referred to Arnie and I as ‘Bert and Ernie’.”

Saltzman said that though he looks “more Bert-ish”, he “was Ernie” in a relationship that came to influence his work.

“I don’t think I’d know how else to write them, but as a loving couple. I wrote sketches … Arnie’s OCD would create friction with how chaotic I was. And that’s the Bert and Ernie dynamic.”


sure and Judy Garland sang over the rainbow simply to honor the LGBT movement back during the time there wasn’t one the movie she was in had NOTHING to do with the song :roll_eyes:

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I never thought Bert was gay, as most skits Ernie was annoying the absolute crap out of him, and Bert would even have to go to the kitchen sometimes to get away from all the racket Ernie kept making

I’ll just go ahead and take the writer’s word for it if that’s ok. :wink:


don’t you mean FORMER writer? yeah the fact that Jim Henson is dead and cant tell the true story behind the character HE created and this writer is no longer with the show had no influence on his tell all book

JIm Henson created those characters and just because some disgruntled EX EMPLOYEE makes a claim that is directly affected by his own relationship means nothing

just a sad little man upset over losing his job so he makes a bunch of unsubstantiated claims and puts it in a book

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Still mad huh

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Right, he only won 7 Emmies across 15 years there…sad little man. You should be so lucky to wind up that “sad”.

lol Just, seriously, lol

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If it works the way I think it works, they put so many flags down in their false flagging campaign that they bogged the system up. When it would normally be unlocked it has to keep catching up.

I play WoW to escape from Reality too.

We should delete humans and all traces of any relationship in the lore. Right?

And yes, it was flagging abuse. Flagging something you don’t agree with is a violation of the code of conduct, and something Blizzard has said they will take action on if someone does it too much. It’s only to be used if a thread/post violates the CoC. And asking for more inclusion in the game in a discussion forum about said game is not.

It was flag abuse, plain and simple.


I’m just mad as sesame street because they had their “first homeless muppet” a few years back.

As if oscar the grouch had a home.

It was a trashcan, come on man.

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yes but he had a very deep basement the stuff you saw above ground was only like 5% of the stuff he collected the rest was stored downstairs

Magic trashcan, but a trashcan.

Like suramar. Heyoooo

I think it was flagged because it’s no longer lgbt month. It’s March now.

Trashcan of holding :rofl:

en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Magic_satchel#In_tabletop_games

A bag of holding is a fictional magical item capable of containing objects larger than its own size

Love it. 3 minutes till I get more :blue_heart: so take these :blue_heart::blue_heart:

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Y’all need coffee, being up so late talking about these dreary, politicized topics. Here. :coffee:

I’d give you some bats to beat the dead horse with, but the emoji doesn’t exist :wink: Have a real bat. :bat:

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you’re right… it’s almost 1:30pm. I should go have an after-lunch nap.