About the LGBT thread

I gotta admit it is pretty interesting how the lgbt thread immediately got locked again. But it could have still been false flagged over the course of the wait and they are still trying to clean up the Mess. But that’s fine I mainly wanted to bring this issUe to light. I don’t know Why people can’t just leave Discussions Bloody well alone if They simply don’t agree. Its Mental.

My transmog would be more like flip flops, cut offs and a tank top

Because that isn’t how discussions work. You say something, then someone else says something if they don’t agree, then the two groups talk. Also you can’t float an idea for something to be added/changed and not expect people that don’t want it to not say anything.

The game is a heck of a lot more than that. This is an RPG so people are going to role play and identifying with characters makes things a lot more enjoyable. If I can go on a quest to find a woman’s husband I can go on a quest to find a woman’s wife too.


I agree, and it’s frustrating, but the good thing is same sex marriage is legal across the board. :slight_smile:

Oh wow! It’s always surprising to hear what another person has had to go through. I don’t hold a pencil/pen the normal way and while in elementary school they constantly tried to correct it. Even had the girl in sitting in front of me tasked with helping. It never worked and all these years later I write just fine. I’m sorry to hear what you had to go through. :frowning:

OMG!! That video of the Cuban Crocodile being called! It was like a happy puppy the way it bounded towards towards that guy. :heart: :heart:

Edited: @Bwomsambi Didn’t mean to gloss over what you had to go through. My parents were never religious. Heck, growing up I wasn’t even sure of my religion when my teacher asked. We went to church but early on, but I was pretty young and I didn’t pay attention. Sunday School was just for playing with friends, it seemed. I’m grateful my friend’s wife, despite having a deeply religious background, was so accepting of me. They are the ones I’m the godfather of their daughter. I hope you are faring better having moved.


If you don’t want others opinions what you are looking for is a blog.

Why on some letters bold?


To drive people with slight OCD nuts. It’s an Assault on us :frowning:

There’s a lot of people here who desperately don’t want to see LGBTQ characters in their video games, and it shows. Make all the arguments you want about how “big companies r just hopping on the LGBTQ bandwagon for the $$$” but at the end of the day it would just be cool to me to see some gay stuff in the game, lol. End of story, that’s it. It isn’t political until people start saying Blizz is a bad company for making Overwatch characters LGBTQ-- how DARE they?

I don’t care the reason. Everything they do is for money, as is the same for any company, i.e. Walmart, universities, manufacturers, game devs. Whatever, if you’re actually opposed to seeing queer things in your environment, and turn it into a political issue, it’s you. You’re the problem. I see a lot of people in real life hating on Hollywood and the media because they’re starting to put more black people, women, gays and trans people in movies and media. If this is really a problem to you, I think you need to take some time to think about why.

We’re not calling Blizzard evil for having no queer characters in the game. We’re just saying, hey, it would be cool to see it. How is this a problem at all? Why does an LGBTQ thread in the WoW forums stir up so much hatred, not only for gays, but hatred directed at Blizzard, too?


Actually, I don’t think anyone said anything bad about Blizzard yet.

This is also true.
and not to mention, There are already characters like that in wow


They’re not literally saying Blizzard, in particular. It’s just a general disdain for companies “using the gays for political and monetary gain”

Which means, their argument is, “Gays and LGBTQ people shouldn’t be represented in games or media. Because the company will profit from it.” Unless I’m interpreting it wrong in some way, but I don’t see how.

ah I see, I wasn’t paying much attention so I didn’t see what other people was saying about media. My own personal complaint is how much of it is being made with a distinct feeling of a lot of venom toward white males. The speech in it is just uncalled for. However I personally enjoy a lot of the more diverse cultural shows if they exclude that nonsense. The others, I just ignore and hope the ratings prove a point.

Yeah everyone’s super racist towards white males, so discriminated. Must be, like, crazy hard for them.

Thank you for proving my point with your superior tone of invalidation.


It’s just turning the point away from LGBTQ representation, towards white victimization. A distraction to make queer people look anti-white when I’ve never said anything like that. I don’t even see any white hate in this thread at all, I just like seeing queer things in video games.

Edit: like, okay, to elaborate; my whole point is to turn this away from politics entirely. To see gay stuff in game, it’s that simple. That’s what I like, lol. I’m saying you’re free to disagree, I’ve just yet to see good reasoning other than “Businesses want money and are bad, & there are already extremely vague and isolated examples of LGBTQ representation in the game, so we don’t need any more.” Other than that it’s just… They might just be homophobic/transphobic, or just a little uncomfortable with seeing these things change their view of the world.

I mean you can both have some valid opinions and they’re okay


It doesn’t. <3 I was just saying it because you mentioned the tv stuff and figured you may be talking about something I mentioned It may have been in the last thread. It wasn’t something made to invalidate peoples desire for representation though just came up threw the course of conversation. I do apologize if my statement offended you though or somehow felt like an attack on your desire for representation.

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Are you sending a code? You bolded these letters.

o a v M t U W D B T M

Was hoping it meant something. :frowning:

Dangit. Had a response to something someone said and finally looked at it again and realized I misread what they said. Anyway, here’s an article from Kotaku. It’s a few years old but pertains to what we are talking about.

Me too!

Not sure if you are interested in the upcoming Pixar movie Onward, but it has a gay character. Also while Googling the article I found out Russia is censoring the movie. :roll_eyes:


Won’t lie… I had to click the LGBT character link cause the thumbnail made it look like an adult toy with a face.


LOL I can’t unsee that now. Now I’m kinda scared because of the horn.

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obviously the power cord. It’s industrial strength.

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