About the LGBT thread

We also got Cuban crocodiles, they are very territorial and will outmatch alligators, want some? :smiley:

Off course :3
takes her hearth for a sacrifice because she meant a yes

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My objective in every forum…
gets perma ban in hots and starcraft forums
why ;-;

Reply me senpai!

Most definitely. I’ve never been one to force my personal beliefs on another’s religion or culture. The thing that frustrated me over people citing God, for them being against same sex marriage, was that no one was trying to force their way into their institution. In order to get married you need a marriage license from the state so that alone takes religion out of the equation.

I appreciate your understanding and how we are able to communicate. I feel this way partly for myself but for children growing up. I’m just thankful my best friend trusted me enough to be the godfather of his child and that she, despite not even being a teen yet, is open and accepting of me. It’s nice to know there is some good made somewhere no matter how little it is.

Thank you! It’s warm in my office so I’ll take iced. :heart:

lol I shouldn’t be surprised, if it’s anything like your coffee. Maybe we should get them to deal with the constrictor snake problem in the Everglades. lol

Ooo!! Speaking of Cuban Coffee and adding some humor.


Fluffy! <3 Love.


Good people don’t always agree. But we can strive to understand. :slight_smile:


He is great! My friend has a shirt of his, “Built Fluffy Tough”.

:smiley: :beers:

Sexuality has no place in video games. Killing monsters and raking in phat lewtz should be what the playerbase concerns themselves with. This is a fantasy game in a fantasy world. You do not need representation.


While I agree that romance doesn’t need a place. I have to say representation is a big part of fantasy. RPG’s sole purpose is to have you connect with the story your playing in. So I call BS on that statement.


Watch out:

Louisiana floods destroy home of Christian leader who says God sends natural disasters to punish gay people


Yes but… many people want to enforce their own lifestyle and beliefs into other people who aren’t guided by the same stuff.
It personally affected me because I am left handed but for religious reasons my teachers forced me to use the other hand, now I can’t write well with the right hand and I still to learn properly to do it with my actual main hand x’D
Plus, I was never into religion but people always tried to push me into Santeria or Christianity… well, I had no problem going to church or participating in the sacrifices because it was a family stuff but it was annoying when teachers at school or other places tried everything to get me join their faction , I just want to be neutral :c


You don’t need to put youtube videos in the ` marks they actually show up for anyone.

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We need material to role-play and adult themes are needed because it adds more dept. Is not that why we have /flirt?


Real life hunter.

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It was just another classic example of “give em an inch and they’ll take a mile.”

Leave the SJW crap out of fantasy-based video games. Thanks.


The male characters all have no bulge on their crotch, so maybe we already have a bunch of M to F trangender characters in the game.

edit the reverse may be true as well, since no one has male genitalia in the game apparently.

No. You can fantasize about being an adventurer, hero, etc. You want representation go out IRL and socialize. Join your town/city council, school board, volunteer, etc.

Here? Be a Death Knight, be a Paladin. Save the world or kill 10 boars.

I always sort of figured the forsaken could be related to by the community. Not directly but with some of their struggles. Rejected by friends and family, unable to procreate without outside help. Idk.


Reconsiders retiring to Florida

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I don’t think yeti’s would do well in Florida. Just sayin

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