About the LGBT thread

You actually made it that far? …brave soul, indeed.

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That’s not something I worry about too much.

As often as I get flagged, and muted. I try to be careful. People are too touchy.

Sexual orientation like skin colour and religion are politics. It is too late to put that bane back in the box. Just like the sum of my identity depending on who you are talking to gets boiled down to “white cis-male”. So to is “homosexual” fe/male a political element.

Don’t blame me, blame the inter-sectionals who crammed everything together.

Addendum: Didn’t mean to cut out bi, trans, etc. Just picked one for length.

Edit: Coding and grammar.

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I don’t go out of my way to be offensive, but sometimes you read something so profoundly stupid that you can’t not call it out.

I need to kill the last of my sub somehow. I’d rather not risk getting into something I might enjoy on WoW only to suddenly disconnect.

Less chance of automatic re-subbing on my part.

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I have to agree, all the identity stuff is politics. Once you create factions it becomes a political thing.

It’s politics as long as people make comments like that. I understand everything gets politicized these days but it can get better and people can have a civilized conversation if they simply leave it be.

lol Edited to add. I said these days. It’s pretty much always been like that.

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I kind of understand the passion though. While I don’t agree with the people making it harder. I understand that religious beliefs play into it, and general cultural beliefs as well. Now I don’t believe it is right, but I could understand some of that sides point of views. If something is sacred to them such as marriage for example. It may be offensive to those people that its open to people that is against their religion. Again I can’t stress enough I don’t subscribe to that idea. I just can understand the point of view if I was to try to push myself into their shoes.


You’re not wrong but I fear the damage is done. Lodge in our social consciousness just below of mammalian brain.

Mostly the problem now is… because people have asked for it publicly, it would look like Blizzard catering. As opposed to organic development.

All things being equal though. I agree with you.


I do hate when words don’t have meanings and just become “the bad thing”, though. Politics being one such word.

I’m having trouble fully understanding but I think I’ve got the gist. To which I will say I agree politics is an ugly word. Fully deserving of wroth.

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Sometimes the best way to contribute to an argument is to remain silent :grimacing:

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The real best way to contribute is…

:coffee: anyone? Fresh! Hot and Iced! Get your :coffee: here!


Stop taking the bait

Not pointing fingers… but I feel like someone in this thread is this guy.


Well, that certainly didn’t last very long. :roll_eyes:

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I demand you GD forumgoers drink my coffee! I have too much.

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Epic zinger dude, seek help

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