About the LGBT thread

Indeed. I was in the middle of responding as well. Guess that lends some credence to it being falsely flagged.

lol Same. And it was to you.

Itā€™s either some super angry snowflake flagging on a bunch of alts, which is against the rules but somehow still possible for ā€¦ some reason? ā€¦Or itā€™s a Discord group of reactionaries pinging each other to go flag whenever it comes back up.

It was even worse last time. An entire 1 response got in. Suspensions are the only answer for this type of behavior, imho.

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Is it at all possible a forums glitch that is keeping it perpetually locked because the flagged posts have not been moderated yet?

I honestly would not be surprised if thatā€™s the case. Is there even a way to report problems on the forums other than flagging? That clearly isnā€™t the way to solve things.

Iā€™ve seen threads immediately relock upon unlocking so my guess is that people are still reporting posts while the thread is locked and those are being counted towards the next lock.


Whenever a thread is locked, an actual human reads over it and edits stuff as necessary to comply with the rules. You can see one of the edits if you scroll up a bit to that guy who was asking why a couple of slurs werenā€™t allowed. They got edited out.

So any reports during that time got looked at, is my guess. Someone is actively trying to keep the thread locked, it seems.


Slow Clap. This one is getting locked still though, once they get around to doing so.

That is sad. I donā€™t know which possibility is worse. Someone trying to keep it locked because they are bigots, or someone trying to keep it locked because they want to simply cause frustration on a already frustrated group of people. Both make me question humanity.

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I was explaining why that happened to me (I am Cuban, I have been just 5 years in US and I have done little social life here soā€¦ what is a slur for you for me it can be unknown) but it was locked again 9 mins agoā€¦

I only made it about a halfway through this thread before I gave up and settled for ā€œThreads like this are precisely why Identity politics has no place in a forum.ā€

It devolves so fast into people talking past and around each other rather than to each other. Never mind the assumptions and baseless accusations.


Yeah, I saw that. I felt bad because I could tell you were writing a longer post. Glad to see you didnā€™t get the hammer though!


It can be delayed sometimes. I been moderated before then about a day later was muted for it.

Like the brutosaur thread? The DH thread? Any thread involving humans having a discussion? xD


iv seen it happen before on all sorts of different topics if you look at the lock itā€™s just a day temporary lock so after a day it comes back up and likely gets flagged by several users and the process repeats itself


Welp, F

ā€¦ Pretty much. Though I canā€™t speak to the Brutosaur thread. What was that one on?

Also this whole combative conversation thing is exactly why I usually avoid humans as a whole.

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Donā€™t worry I assumed with me is because they wanted to investigate my post history to determine if what I was doing may be trolling or not. Because I post a lot and am not always 100% consistant as my views change pretty often. They likely determined I was a troll after their investigation and decided to mute me. At least that is what I assume.

Having been born in South Florida, and still living there, I would like to thank those responsible for bringing their amazing food here and for one of the greatest beverages in the world, Cuban coffee.

It would be nice if people left politics out of the forums but people keep saying that phrase. So please stop equating being LGBTQ with politics.


oh god, you went there. I was going to but didnā€™t want to offend someone.

Deleted because I that wasnā€™t a response to me. Ooops.