About the LGBT thread

I think that not just on trans issues, but with everything that’s going on in the world atm especially with that damn virus going around, people look upon everyone else that’s not part of their group with fear and suspicion which is a really sad thing to watch…

I mean I accept that some people have a moral positions on some transgender issues, like changing sex for me, that’s something that CANNOT be undone so I accept that’s something that needs to be taken very seriously, but I would apply that moral position to anything in life, unfortunately sometimes certain things cannot be undone.

Actually it does. Sorry to burst your bubble. If you reject it, that’s your business.


I don’t know how to say it without offended that crowd, but my understanding is.
During the time growing in the womb nature made a woopsie, and sometime during the time you would normally become a male or female the transformation doesn’t fully happen. So they get stuck with the emotional set up of one with the body of the other. Honestly I’ll be blunt I don’t fully know how it works scientificly but with what limited knowledge I have it would seem like that is what happens. It’s not a mental disorder, and it’s not a choice. It does have long term health issues and is not cosmetic. (please forgive me if i’m putting this wrong any trans people here. Intent is not to offend)

If you are truly a Christian like me, please refer to the book of Ephesians and change your toons name as I am sorry but swearing and your toons name is against what the book says.

That is if you are a real Christian…a bit more professionalism here please.

wait what? Christians are against farts? LOL what is this madness, farts are the laughter of your butt. It brings joy.


No. I am what I am by the grace of God. I am not some snowflake type that pretends to be holier than what I am. I’ve been made Holy through the Lord’s work. Professionalism in modern Christianity is for the charismatic twits who want to sell an image, like modern day pharisees.

If you are talking about trans people you are wrong. Search up identity dismorpher.if You are talkingabout the small percentage of people born with nothor acombination of sexual organs which is a farsmaller demographic than trans people

Uhh…no. That is serious legalism Christianity you have going there.

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Trans is also genetic as it has been discovered in the last 5 years and not a mental illness.

Notall timetime. Identity dysmorphia is also caused by social pressure. Look at parts soama. Every 3rd child has to be a girl so they basically dress them up and force them to be a girl

Citation needed


But some casters cast spells left handed…

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“I’m so smart, everyone. Look at me. Look at how smart I am because of this book I’m reading. I totally understand this book, but you wouldn’t because you’re not as smart as me!”

I hate this world.
I guess that’s why I play WoW.

I’m out this thread has lost all trace of reason at this point.

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What is this thread? It’s like Twitter threw up in here.

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That’s a hard no from me. This is - as unbelievable as it may seem, all things considered - a place for discussions, not an echo chamber.


It’s like facebook and barrens chat had a baby.


I don’t get it, sometimes I want a Lettuce, Guacamole, Bacon, and Tomato sandwich, but they got rid of the thread!

oh its still there but its competing with the high elf thread to see which of them can end up padlocked more times before its permanently done :rofl: