About the LGBT thread

How could I use Sylvanas support against your argument anyway it doesn’t relate to anything here lol

Man, I got no idea. But I tell you some of the garbage people try to use against me. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone found a way.

Maybe something like you Like Sylvanas, so you hate hope and are obviously evil because you support genecide. Or some garbage like that.


:face_vomiting: :nauseated_face:

Please stop.

Doesn’t happen in my area. A few people do it, but I’ve found that most people where I live have a bit of class.

I’m so glad to be free of crazy town

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I find relating relationships seen in public, to public sex, a bit of a stretch.

Summer time is the worst, it’s like as soon as the heat is on… everyone goes into heat. It’s disgusting.

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Sorry, that was inconsiderate of me.

I also hate the tooth-brushing and upchucking scenes that seem to be included in every movie I watch.

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I would agree if it was just people holding hands. But that isn’t the case. People now days are gross. They are sticking eachothers tongues down one another throats groping eachother in public. I don’t even want to know what the people behind me with a blanket over their lap in theatre are doing.

You sure you are not asexual … I dont mean that derogatory just an observation

I moved to an area where its full of a lot more religious people with faith, and I’ve found no matter how much Christianity has been demonized over the years, the facts speak for itself, the people here are pretty calm and chill…I enjoy it, feel safer around it.

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Probably not. I don’t mind sexual things in the privacy of your own home. Its public things that make me feel nauseated.


I was relating to the fact that you don’t want to see relationships in the game at all. We don’t see any character behave this way, it’s a moot point.

I don’t need to know your disdain for the world. It’s not relevant.

Ehhh WoW doesn’t do much better, while the PDA level isn’t amped up. You can’t tell me the Thrall scene and MAlfurian and Tyrande wasn’t disgusting as well for different reasons.

Honestly back on topic… example like right now in playing god of war while replying on here . I do not feel that game needs LGBT inclusion or is any less fun because of it. The game is fine without it .


I’m glad they banned cat-calling in wow, toning down that whistle noise, it’s nice when they take steps to move away from that kind of perverted animal like behavior

They still have /moan. Don’t use it… trust me.

Yes… I can.

Really? how can you sit threw the Thrall wedding and not want to stab his face endlessly with a spork. They toned down that type of story telling a bit but its still around, hopefully eventually it will go away completely.

Thrall killed Garrosh without honor.

Thrall just wanted the phat lootz. That is why he kept on stealing our kills for like 2 expansions.