About the LGBT thread

Because I’ve been following his story since his birth and I don’t seriously expect him to get to his current age without settling down.

I don’t find relationships off putting at all. In fact, I think it’s important for media to show younger gamers how to treat each other with love and respect.

I see so your one of the crowd that believes games should be a teaching tool for children. I believe that is the parents job, and games are meant for entertainment. This is why we likely won’t ever agree.


Looks glorious!!!

That’s not exactly what I meant. Let me put it another way.

We play in a world. For there not to be relationships present in it, is not a fair representation of our own.

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I see, so you want games to imitate life more accurately. I suppose that makes sense as Art imitates life. Although I’m not sure people would be happy with how things would turn out if it fully imitated life. Would be a PR problem.

Anyways it’s getting late and i’m heading to bed. But we can agree on one thing. The OP shouldn’t of gotten flagged, it’s a bit silly.


This is an inappropriate topic for a video game forum. Stop trying to find endorsements for your lifestyle choices. You do not have some kind of sacred force field around you making you immune to criticism. I suggest you seek mental health help.

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Tbh the only reason I keep coming to these threads is because I have a soft spot towards Rosenivy, I know they had a few hard knocks in life I’m glad to see them still alive and well even if I keep forgetting their correct gender pronoun


at least 10 characters

there Is nothing wrong with having lgbt representation in games, it has been done before and it will be done later.

Get over yourself

As I said in the other thread. I don’t need the LGBT group speaking for me and the fact are some of us are isolated in our own group for thinking this way and not following the hive mind. Proves this is more of a political statement.

I want I need are the 2 biggest terms I see used on this subject more and more. And as I tried to say the more you push against the majority of the world the MORE they will push back even harder.

As some one posted above
“My sexuality is not to be used as a selling point for a game, i would rather they not include it at all versus using it to profit when they could truly care less about it.”


Yes, that is what many people have already pointed out, including myself. I provided a link in which this has already been discussed and included specific examples, but people couldn’t be bothered to read or research for a topic they pretend to care so much about. It seems ironic to me that many detractors for this type of “inclusion” have more knowledge of instances of LGBTQ references in game than those demanding that it be included.

The argument of “if you don’t like it, leave” doesn’t apply here, sadly. That would work if you were on Reddit and accidentally subscribed to the grilled cheese subreddit (which I highly recommend). If you were lactose intolerant and you cared nothing for cheese on grilled breads, you would just leave.

Obviously these people truly care about the game. A. They actually went to a forum to just chat about it. B. They still play this game despite the trash dumpster heap it has become. Your opinions/voice have no more importance or merit than any other subscriber/customer here. In your own rude words, you should “get over it”.

People come to defend the idea of having LGBTQ characters despite the fact that they already exist, and then accuse anyone that points this out of “bludgeoning” them. So hyperbolic and meant to be a literary means of victimizing themselves because they cant create logical counter arguments to facts which have been carefully and calmly presented. That erases all credibility, in my eyes.

They honestly need to focus on the main story line and getting rid of RNG/slot machine loot, but you will give them another out to make stereotyped, lack luster characters to just appease you. And I mean the word appease, because you already have exactly what you want, you just want more. Selfish.


Imagine thinking LGBTQ is anything more than a bunch of mentally sick people that need to feel unique.



No, he is stating that anyone who can read facts presented to them, links, and other evidence, and STILL claim something doesn’t exist when it does and expects every other differing opinion to just “disappear” may have issues with acceptance. You are overgeneralizing, there are other LGBTQ posters on this same thread that don’t want this change and acknowledge reality.

As seen above, the response to my well thought response is “what”, because there is no logical argument and no one wants to read or research, they just want to feel oppressed and angry.


I’m sorry sexuality does not make anyone special or unique. the fact that this is being throw up again in people faces who really think the game has MORE pressing issues and problems than some fake Inclusion agenda.

Me being a Lesbian does NOT make me Special or Unique just the same as the rest. Personally as a LGBT I find this whole inclusion stuff a nightmare and something we really do not need when there are places in the world who treat us even worse.

Yet your in a free country
free to love who you want
free to worship who you want

and yet many are claiming they are NOT free for no inclusion.

Give me break…


Imagine living in a world where the bible says that evil will be celebrated as good and that good will be cast down like it’s evil. Yup, we are in those days.


They always ask “who hurt you” when obviously they were the ones hurt at some point to end up like this. There is help.

Well inevitably, when people cry and scream and throw tantrums about nothing for long enough, a racist bigoted troll will appear. You cannot take what a few people say an overgeneralize and use it as a way of silencing those who present logical arguments.


Now see here…this is how inclusion works. This should be the example for everyone. If you really want inclusion stop identifying yourself as this and that and demanding everyone notice you for it and just be a human being.