About the LGBT thread

Hate what? Not a single post I have ever made equates to me hating anything or anyone. The fact you would even go that route says a lot more about you than it ever will of me, bud.


Yes I do like using your own arguments against you if I can. That is how you prove your point. I have won many of arguments this way. Not self proclaimed but in the views of others as well.

you are just mad because I pointed out your flawed logic and…

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Unless you thought you found it then get stabbed 3 times…reason I will never believe in it.

That sucks, betrayal can harden the heart. I’m sorry to hear that.


Could it be that you’re imposing yourself where you don’t belong?

Let them have their thread.

That isn’t how public places work, nor is it how asking for additions work. If you disagree with things it’s your obligation to speak up or you have no room to speak if those things get implemented.


In my opinion, while it’s not actually against the rules to start a similar thread to one that’s been locked to community flags, it’s still taboo

people want new characters, what’s the problem.

People want more relationships in the game, I want less relationships in the game. Our desires directly compete with one another.


Say Dexter aren’t you one of those very pro-Sylvanas people?

Yes, What does that have to do with relationships? lol

I like Sylvanas because she gives horde an identity besides being a second alliance.

This is what I took offence too, by the way. You managed to both marginalise and degrade a world full of people. It is very disrespectful towards anyone who has been a victim merely for their minority status.

I hope this thread can get back on track, everyone should deserve to feel welcome.


You will never have what you want. Relationships are a core part to any civilization. You’ll only see more of it in the game.

What I think is really going on here is that “relationships” is a dog whistle to you not wanting to see “gay” relationships in the game.

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Correct humans see it and color it that way the rest of the planet does not. Maybe one day humans can be enlightened enough where that would also be the case .

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I apologize for that statement offending anyone, it was not the intent but was a direct statement of how it often feels. When ever your opinion differs from a group that group often hits you with guilt trips. It’s not an effort to marginalize. It’s a statement of frustration with how that community treats outsiders at times.


Nothing at all actually was just a random observation

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Ah I apologize, for my defensive stance. I thought you was going to use it as another angle to invalidate my point of view.

Tbh I didn’t even read the thread

Ah yeah. I’m everywhere. I have lots of opinions about lots of things and like to over share them sometimes. My opinions can even sometimes contradict each other. Sadly being human I am subject to a marginal amount of hypocritical thinking at times. Or just views that are hard to understand how you can have one one way but the other another. Example being I hate having relationships all over the place. But I also support people wanting skimpy transmogs. The two might seem weird due to how people view showing skin as a sexual thing only. /shrug. Honestly probably not a topic on the forums I have not shared my opinions on. PS. I was also a Garrosh supporter.