About the LGBT thread

I stand by my comment.

Like I said, I’m not here to argue politics. You have a lot of hate inside you and I don’t wish to waste time arguing with you.

I hope you find true happiness and relax your need to police others for merely existing as their true self.

Rofl, dude doesn’t want any relationships in a video game and suddenly he hates gay people.



Because I don’t want relationships to be something out in the open? I don’t hate anyone I just don’t want to see other peoples intimate moments. That isn’t mine or anyone elses business. This isn’t a hate thing as it’s not solely focused on a particular group. I mentioned time and time again I don’t want to see ANY of it. There is a time and a place for that nonsense and it’s not in the public.


I honestly think he has a distaste for seeing love in general.



Once again this is why we cant have nice things


I rest my case.

Depends on what your definition of “nice things” is.

I think love is beautiful and love is kind. I love seeing love in the appropriate ways. I like seeing people give eachother helping hands when in need, I love people giving shelter to lost puppies or homeless people. I love seeing love expressed in many ways. I do not love seeing love in a way which is needed for you to really know what your sexuality is.


Do you call the cops on couples holding hands?


You didn’t have a case to begin with. Can’t rest what doesn’t exist.

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I’m confused, why does sharing my opinion equate to calling the cops for people holding hands? Or are you assuming I’m false flagging people? Because that isn’t me.

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Just everyone getting along no one getting mad that one group of people are wanting representation in a game they enjoy. So long as it was lore appropriate and not altering current storylines and or characters . But there is a lot of people that seem to either hate that or cant grasp that concept.

The world does not see in race color or religion. When it comes down to it we are all human and just want to be loved and accepted

There are already gay characters in the game. If you base it off normal population percentages, we are probably at proper representation levels already.

I can assure you, it most certainly does.


I think they mean like the literal world nature and stuff. Not our world like how other people view eachother. Idk, maybe not. But that is the only way I can make that sentence make sense.

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I didn’t say gay people in particular. I think the both of you need to let go of your frustrations of the world and find someone who makes you happy.

This is toxic.

Considering it’s what the topic of this thread, if you aren’t talking about it, you are just here to derail.

I’m glad you think you know so much about me.

Oh wait, I’m married.


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Toxic? So it’s toxic to not want to see other peoples intimicy? I guess you would be cool with people just getting freaky in the streets eh? Or would that be too far? Where is the line of PDA Oh wise owl.


I stand corrected. Why do you think that you hate?

It’s a rhetorical question. I’m moving on.

This is kind of why I stopped bothering with dexter. He will take your point and turn it into a paper swan, then throw it at you.