About the LGBT thread

I can’t work out if this thread is better or worse than Facebook mums talking about the caronavirus

There’s a joke in there…

… somewhere…

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I replied to what you said. Don’t give me fox newz gotchas.

I mean… if linking your own text back to you is a “fox newz gotcha”…


Don’t need, you gotcha’d yourself. You clearly believe people that disagree with you are bigots, there for are fairly biggoted yourself. I have no more reason to respond to you because clearly I’m a bigot. Grow up. Learn that different opinions doesn’t mean your part of some hate group.


Seriously, it was a major part of establishing and cementing the U.S. as a superpower. Honestly, people don’t understand how incredibly beneficial WW2 was for us, and why, according to economists though ive no idea the veracity of it, our economy is outdated and constantly has issues with recessions.

I could twist your commentary into all sorts of strange connotations but I don’t. You will always follow your own logic even if that does include rocket powered baskets. You have failed to cover your own mistake.

Anyone who doesn’t see the right as their religion here tonight?

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People having a right to exist is not something you get to have an opinion on.

Who is arguing that they don’t have a right to exist?

Please, use the quote function.

People have a right to think any damn thing they want, regardless of how bigoted or backwards it might be.


Not wanting to see sexual stuff does not equate to preventing LGBT representation.

I have no buddies in this thread, some people however base posts more on reason and logic than you appear to.

As for “Are you just going to get angry and try to bludgeon me with your feelings like your buddy back there?” - you can only be looking in a mirror.

Yeah no one asked for lewds.


I can interpret from this that your answer is yes. :roll_eyes: Chauvinism is easy and feels good I guess.

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Actually it is. Whether that opinion is right or not is something else entirely.

You can look at the horizon, see a flat line and interpret that the Earth is flat. Doesn’t make your interpretation correct.


You are right, but that was only one part of what the women of England did.

Roles for women in WW2 were spread across several services including the Wrens (naval) and Waffs (air force). The ATS was the least popular because the living conditions were horrific and the work was so dangerous. Its reputation was so bad, the government failed to recruit the 100,000 additional women it desperately needed. If you joined the ATS, you were a woman made of stern stuff.

This wasn’t the front line, this was Britain, and yet over 700 ATS women were killed in duty.


I sure wish I was in a minority group so I could guilt people and call them bigots if I disagreed with them. Not to mention get that extra edge on getting a job the non diverse person is exactly the same qualified for. The privledge is strong.


And you accusing me of being wrong doesn’t mean I am. What’s your point, stranger.

I made no such accusation.

…Great. Nothing’s ever easy. How exactly did you want me to interpret your statement, then?