About the LGBT thread

It’s not memeing i’m pretty sure you are not so dense to see the huge difference between removing War from Warcraft and removing love from it. You don’t need those type of relationships in a game about war.

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I think we can all agree that we need to make America great again.




Crap, I lost it.



The first one was better.

If you want war without love involved I think you might want to play call of duty zombies because its just numbers. And zombies.


Like I said, it would be nice if bad marketing could just be bad marketing and not an excuse to silence anyone asking for LGBT representation…

I don’t see the difference between what you said and what I said. Are you just going to get angry and try to bludgeon me with your feelings like your buddy back there?

If you want love and sexuality maybe you want to play the Sims. See we can both play that ridicules game.


This is a war simulator. How do you even get on?

I remember my thread about KFC chicken getting insta deleted. That thread had more relevance than this one does to wow.

I wouldn’t go that far. People have the right to feel included, I just don’t see how they can do it with sexuality without having relationships. And I think relationships in general need to not be part of the game. It doesn’t really further the story any.

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  1. They denied women. Big no no in today’s political atmosphere.
  2. They were historically wrong. Another big no no in this day and age.
  3. Sex sells.

That’s different from this LGBT matter which…doesn’t matter at all

But…there’s chickens in wow. Where’s my fried chicken?

I won’t start on the anti-duck conspiracy.

Just go to silverpine if they havn’t changed it yet. Kill some worgen there and you can get some chicken and watermelon. Used to be a big joke for a long time.

Know what else doesn’t further the story? Rep grinds.

But you don’t have to go very deep into sexuality. I mean. Bigots never delved that deep.

Russian females were celebrated, but IMO the most unsung females in WWII were the women in England.

So, while London was under attack, England was starving, Hitler cut off their ports so food imports were an impossibility.

The men who owned farms were forced by the government to work their soil until it was completely depleted, crops wouldn’t grow for years after the war, as the government would not allow farmers to rotate crops for nutrient purposes, it would be the same crops over and over till the soil was useless.

However, many women had to oversee the farm work because their husbands were at war.

That meant tilling, harrowing, planting, harvesting, animal care, tree felling, you name it.

These women were not only managing the entire farm with only themselves and their children, they also had to take refugees and feed them too who in exchange would help on the farm.

And, while all that went on, the government monitored their productivity on the farm, if they didn’t produce enough crop or in short enough time, the farm would be repossessed and handed over to someone else that inspectors deemed more productive than the previous owner.

Furthermore, women there on those farms also contributed to intelligence efforts. They had to black out their windows and set decoy fires so that German planes wouldn’t destroy their property or drop explosives into their beds.

They even called out enemy plane positions over the radio so that big city folks could evacuate in time to be saved.

In the US we had a lot of female factory workers, which was great, but the USA made out like bandits from WWII, especially when you compare them to the sheer amount of famine that was going on in England and it took years for them to bounce back from that.


Yes, I am totally a bigot because I’m sick of relationships in Warcraft. Let’s just ignore the fact that I also hate seeing the straight crap everywhere. But hey lets just call people bigots because they disagree with you. You realize it’s people like yourself that makes your movement look bad.


And thats like the entire problem we have had in both threads. You are like a magnet and think I called you a bigot. Now why would you jump to such a conclusion.

”If you don’t agree with me, you’re wrong.”


Uhm because you literally used my opinion

And then said it was a biggoted opinion. Don’t try to walk it back now that I called you out on your BS. Man up to it and don’t be a little worm.