About the LGBT thread

I know that every difference that there ever has been, there’s been at least some sort of conflict with. Why do you think this is unique to any group of human? Why is it also a flag you wave? I never have, although people claim to represent me, I scoff because it’s ridiculous, it doesn’t represent me. Is it a private fact of life? Sure. Is it my life? No.

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I don’t condone false flagging I am just commenting on a couple parts.

Yes it does impact others. Is it really hard to understand people don’t want to see even more relationships in game? We hate the ones there already is. How are you going to show off sexuality without having relationships? We simply don’t want a romance novel for a video game.

This is also wrong, people should always voice their disagreement with any suggestion people give that would change the game. Otherwise changes could be made that you disagree with.

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Who is campaigning for keeping LGBT characters out of the game?

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Would be kinda nice if bad marketing was just bad marketing and not a bullet to the knee of any effort to get representation though. Sucks.

Of course, y’know, me being more of a quality over quantity type of person. I would not mourn the loss of players who quit over the simple inclusion of confirmed LGBT characters.

Well between this thread and the other thread we’ve got hundreds of comments to that affect. Is that not a campaign of sorts?


This game could have a lot of things, relationships included. It adds atmosphere and helps with immersion, though blizzards storytelling could use some work… but there are a lot of things we can simply remove from the video game in this case. We could reduce it all down to blue square shoots green gots at red triangle. It Doesnt need relationships?

People should. And can. Voice their opinion. But when you start false flagging to create censorship thats when you are going beyond just voicing your opinion.

Specifically, using the quote function.

Who is campaigning for keeping LGBT characters out of the game?

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It doesn’t, no.

Then it Doesn’t need war politics either. We could make this team tennis if you want.


Yes because removing relationships from a game that is about war is totally the same as reducing it to little squars and triangles. Stop the hyperbolics.


So… you want an echo chamber. You aren’t interested in an honest discussion of ideas. Are you so afraid of other points of view that you must silence them?


It’s funny you say that, because EA did just that with Battlefield V, they told people not to buy it if they don’t agree with their political perspective on the game.

That stunt if I remember rightly cost EA 5 billion dollars.


Because they wanted to put females in a WWII game, and then told the dudebros, meaning the only kind of person really who played Battlefield at all, EA told them to go screw themselves if they didn’t like it.

And almost like poetry, Battlefield V went from $60 to $20 within a week of launch.


Don’t lie.
I said I wanted good stories rather than sexual stuff.
Making things up makes you appear to be merely trolling, rather than having a genuine interest yourself.

You’re the one talking down to people - putting words into their mouths and trying to exclude them because they don’t completely agree with everything you say.

First you complain there are no gay characters, then you move the goalposts by insisting they aren’t represented to your satisfaction. And “feelings and contempt” seem to be your specialty.


Relationships don’t make the game unless the game is about relationships.
For such a thing, you have dating sims.


What’s the name of this franchise again?



And this is when I had a coughing fit from laughing.

I might be wrong, but weren’t the only female military people who actively fought in WW2 russian snipers?

Stop meming and just think of the concept. I know you disagree pretty hard but I think you can do it.

You are indeed incorrect.
They were seen in I think, the British and U.S. as well.
I am not entrely sure about which nations had female combatants but I do know it was across anumber of them.

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I thought it was funny ._.