About the LGBT thread

Uh… no? I just want people to be consistent with their logic. And since people aren’t unironically campaigning for keeping straight characters out of game, I feel like the response LGBT characters get is infinitely disproportionate.


Where did I say gay characters have anything to do with bad writing?

I said I don’t want much in the way of explicit sexual references in the game. I don’t care about what gender people are or what gender they prefer because that’s their business.

There are already gay characters in the game. If they are not enough “in your face” for you that’s your problem.


Finally found the right song for this topic

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You are joking right? Did you miss the thread after thread of complaining when they added the Thrall romance, or Tyrande and Malfurion romance? and again it’s also not something people feel strongly enough about. We can have an opinion and not campaign to keep it out. We also are not campaigning to keep gay relationships out. We do respond to a thread when it’s made though and share our opinion. That is what the forum is for right? Can’t open a thread and not expect an opposing point of view.


Sexuality doesn’t define character, take it from someone who happens to be (not important, that’s the point). Sick of this.


No one is asking for a complete LGBT takeover. I’m certainly not. I can’t say I am surprised at how hostile people are about this entire thing. I push hard but I have never pushed as hard as some of my detractors.

But at the same time this thread is still up. For now. Once the other thread gets unlocked from the false flagging campaign (could we call this sargonning?) I will have this one deleted anyway because we won’t need two of them.

Feel free to ask me things, I am home from work.


Ty, I liked the other thread better anyways. It was more fun.

Nope. There’s a a few lesbian couples that work with me and I remember a few people getting upset at seeing one of the couples kiss. I told the people that complained to relax and stop making a mountain out of mole hills and told the ladies that it’d probably be best if they didn’t do that in the work place because it could become an HR nightmare(I’ve been involved in HR situations I never knew happened only due to my name being mentioned as a witness by one of the parties).

That said I adore the lesbians I’ve met & work with irl cause all of them have been very pleasant people to be around & talk to. I don’t have any sisters, but notice I tend to treat them like sisters.


Not sure what other peoples experience was but that was pretty much my High school experience it was gross. People making out and basicly dry humping in the hall ways and the teachers just like w/e. Even though we had a no pda rule.

Well, you said we could ask questions, so mine would be, why do I not feel the need to make things front and center but you do? I just want to get to the bottom of that. I’m not being rude, I’ve literally never felt the need to make it a part of my identity.


Yeah turn around in the movie theater once in a while lol, you might be in the splash zone.

That is the impression your rant about wanting good stories instead of LGBT representation gave.

Oh so you don’t care and that’s just that. Got it. No idea why you felt the need to come here and talk down to me if you don’t care, but alright. Far beyond me to question anything.

“If you don’t like the double standard of how these characters are portrayed, that’s your problem.”

It would be nice if you had arguments instead of feelings and contempt.

What are hundreds of comments heckling people asking for them to be in other than a campaign to keep them out?

I know. This is still a wildly disproportionate response to what most threads get though.


Is it? It seems about on par with the LFR or Titanforge threads. Pretty much anything people feel strongly about.


Wow really? Never once experienced this, but don’t know if it was due to when I was born(born in the mid 80’s). I agree though that I would have been weirded out by it regardless if the people were gay or straight.


Well I’m not sayin’ it’s hitting a new record or anything, but I am saying it’s vaguely up there somewhere.

It is possible that the majority simply doesn’t want this and would maybe even leave in order to tell Blizzard so.

Representation has sometimes been known to be the kiss of death, like with Battlefield V, the game coined by it’s publisher “Everyone’s Battlefield”. Except almost everyone would not buy it.

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Was born in 81 my self, but I do live near a college town so maybe that has something to do with it. College towns seem to attract all the more how to put it, open people.

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First of all I should not be acting in capacity in the first place. The other thread should be unlocked. And people should realize that they don’t have to take part in a discussion if they disagree with the subject matter. Whats the difference? Damage was done. Damage is done, I come out.

Second, none of this would have had to happen if people just kept some respect for other people’s life choices. This is front and center because of all the problems people caused simply out of disagreement. There have been beatings, political and religious pressure that has been barely staved off, and massive censorship.

This thread never had to happen but it did. Because a political party decided to false flag instead of simply disagree. It does not impact them in the slightest.

Yeah, I feel like you 100% dodged the nature of my question.

Why do you feel the need, but I don’t?

Experienced none of this. Probably because it’s not obnoxiously part of my personality.

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And I 100% feel you demand only what you want to hear. People go disrespected long enough of course they are going to want to be front and center.