About the LGBT thread

I swear some people have bigger issues if they feel gender identity is political. No offence but wherever you went to school was not very good or very learned.


My question is, if Blizzard goes through with the representation as it’s described, when is it okay for Blizzard to say “no” after that? When the forum decides it’s enough?

What I’m imagining here is Blizzard attempting to do something good, but instead upsetting every other minority until Blizz is scrambling to get a caricature of every “kind” of person.

And if that happened, the story is really non existent as we can’t kill any of them off, if we do then Blizzard will be accused of discrimination a ton of different ways “why didn’t you kill them off instead, we just got here!!!” Etc…

I think this representation can be pulled off as long as the writers don’t hand the script over to the internet.


If you’re talking about the bury your gays trope. Here’s the difference

Regular writing: Hey this character is gay but they’re not immune to death


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This is the point where I, Warchief Grøm, Slayer of Dragons, Wooer of Women, Eater of Gnomes, and most frequent arguer on this troll thread ironically points out that we all seem to be talking past each other.

The Anti side doesn’t want badly written LGBT characters in the game. The Pro side doesn’t either.

The Pro side want more LGBT characters in the game. The Anti side really doesn’t care.

The Pro side thinks that LGBT identity isn’t political. The Anti side doesn’t think it should be, either.


You are making an argument attempting to justify the double standard, not an argument against its existence.

“I understand that you want LGBT people to get treated like they exist, but you asking for it challenges the integrity of your request.”

Oh boy, disingenuously painting people as entitled because they don’t let you emotionally browbeat them into being silent and invisible. I love this.

I don’t take it as an insult. It is however deeply confusing that a human being would make the catastrophically bad judgement of putting up a parody of a smut novel as an example of LGBT representation. An inanimate object depicting a non-existant character is your answer to “Show me an LGBT person”.

It’s making my head spin how irrational this is.


If we win we loose If we loose we loose . No matter the outcome some sect of people are going to be outraged


I’ve only noticed the “bury the black guy” trope.

If there’s just one black guy in a scene, you can be sure he’ll be a villain, and die of his villainy, or be a hero, and die in an act of selfless heroism.
Hero or villain, either way he’s dead.


Uuuh… I dunno! Somewhere! I’m sure there’s a line to be drawn. I would be willing to defend Blizzard if people did this. And I’m not saying Blizzard is a bad company for not doing this. I know they’re not homophobic. Y’know, because Overwatch. I’m just sayin’ it would be nice.

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Here’s the trope

This trope is the presentation of deaths of lgbt characters where these characters are nominally able to be viewed as more expendable than their heteronormative counterparts. In this way, the death is treated as exceptional in its circumstances. In aggregate, queer characters are more likely to die than straight characters. Indeed, it may be because they seem to have less purpose compared to straight characters, or that the supposed natural conclusion of their story is an early death.

But does he get to eat chicken first. Ya know because stereotypes

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For real though, love that comeback.

Has made me giggle all day.


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I hope your head is okay, that spinning seems pretty painful. It must be why you keep misquoting everything I say, and refuse to respond to facts.

Also, the character Kama is a flight NPC, the main one for Pandaria’s hub. You must have level boosted your character or never read anything while playing.


It’s not. Nothing has ever bewildered me quite as hard as someone presenting erotic fiction as an example of a person.

Mmno. Here’s a really good question. Why are you assuming this steamy romance novel is an accurate depiction of that character?

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Really good question… why is it not enough that Blizzard paid someone to draft a story in game with actual lore where a LGBTQ character rebuffs the handsome Marcus and depicts a true love story between two females that goes against popular stereotypes and the general public’s attempt at trivializing said types of relationships?

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As I said in a previous post: “Oh boy, disingenuously painting people as entitled because they don’t let you emotionally browbeat them into being silent and invisible. I love this.”

The fact that you unironically think a parody of erotic fanfiction counts as LGBT representation is melting my brain from sheer obtuseness.


Its not a parody…Kama literally tells Marcus “get out” when he tries to objectify them, and reasserts that LGBTQ relationships are not simply the makings of erotic fiction, but instead true relationships that cannot be undone, even by Marcus’ charms…

If it had been a parody, the story would have ended quite differently. Did you not read the undead one?


There is also:


You don’t think that a fictional depiction of an erotic novel counts as a parody because it… subverts what you’d expect from an actual erotic novel?

Are you trying to kill me?


I’m just sad that you cant interpret anything that isn’t literally spelled out for you. AND OMG NO I DIDNT READ THAT ONE!!! I didn’t play during Draenor.

Now you literally have no arguments…Blizzard has done it twice, intentionally. There is your representation.


…I guess I can’t argue with troll logic. If someone puts a jokey parody of a romance novel in your gave featuring a gay character, that’s exactly the same as having an actual gay character in your game.

Today I Learned.

Do you have any ice?