About LFR N'Zoth and Removing LFR

That’s such a stupid troll. I HAVE done LFR before, it was godawful so i don’t anymore. I have guildies who do it on their new alts and hear the horror stories when they try.

An independent observer is EXACTLY the sort you want deciding how systems should be maintained, “or removed.”

When I played LFR I enjoyed it to whatever degree.
I just didnt like the huge mob of players compared to 5 man runs and the one or two ‘real’ raiders who like to scream at new players for making some silly mistake.
LFR is just fine or it wouldnt be played at all.

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Is it fine, or is it some peoples only option which is why they lash out when people ask to remove it?

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What a joke
Thats like Blizzard hiring LAWYERS to make a video game LOL.
Sorry but I want a GAMER making the game, not a bean counter.
I dont want someone who doesnt LFR telling them how to do LFR.

To bad because that’s what you’re getting.

The LAST thing you need is someone who relies on LFR for anything being the one in control. You’re too afraid to lose what you have to ask for something better.

Its fine.
As I said…I dont like pet battles. i think they are stupid and pointless and serve NO real purpose.
But I aint going to be infantile and spend my time demanding they be removed from the game. SOME players enjoy that stuff.

Take a hint. Move along

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No one enjoys LFR. If you think you do, get help, because you’re suffering from stockholme syndrome.

claims not to LFR.
Spends hours a day obsessing about other people playing LFR.


I mean, Ion wasn’t hired because he’s a lawyer, he was hired because he played the game.

Hours a day? Because i reply to a forum post?

Seriously you’re just a troll at this point.

which is why it continues to be played :roll_eyes: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


It continues to be played because it rewards gear. Remove the gear and LFR dies in a week.

I assume you think everyone loves warfronts since people still do them?

Remove gear and most forms of content would die within a week.


So is this your opinion or the masses because I knew quite a few players and people who only do LFR because they have to. They just can’t muster enough skill to do 2-5+ keys and some struggle with mythic+.

Some players do.

The most amusing thing to this is simply how defensive you are being. I offered to replace LFR with solo or groups of 5 (or lower) content that is instanced that provides enough challenge to whose who struggle or can’t.

Also just for the record, you do realize game companies hire lawyers all the time for game development for legal reasons right?

which is why the game has so many more millions of subscribers and is doing so well right now.
I honestly have no clue what the video is supposed to be showing.

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Maybe people should just be smarter and I dunno, do mechanics!?

CRAZY idea, I know!

the real question is why you are concerning yourself with what OTHER players do.

the MOST amusing part is how obsessed some people are with what other people are doing in a video game.

Nice try…but they dont usually let them DIRECT the game as to ‘fun factor’.

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That’s part of the reason why he was hired, he was the GM of one of the world first guilds. He was one of the people who figured out that C’thun was impossible to kill.

I’m not saying I agree with all the things he’s done, but he was hired because of his passion for the game.

that applies to every part of this game.
Leveling and gearing what keeps MOST players coming back.


So a lawyer plays a game and that makes him qualified to make that game?
I guess I should be next in line to make the next DND game by that logic. Been playing RPGs long enough.