About LFR N'Zoth and Removing LFR

Does anyone else think that this shows that LFR is in need a serious re-haul or complete removal? It’s obvious that most of the players that frequent this mode aren’t willing to learn the most simple of boss mechanics and it’s bothering me to see that resources are still being put into it when it could be put into other aspects of the game that are friendlier to new players. Even if it shouldn’t be removed, I also can suggest that it shouldn’t give out gear seeing that it’s rewarding bad gameplay in a sense. Even a couple of weeks after release on LFR, and people are still stuck on 10 stacks of determination and still are still failing to take down the boss. Does anyone else have the same thoughts?


I do understand that Blizzard has nerfed this particular boss in LFR at least once to try and make it easier for players.

Seeing as that players are still failing at mechanics - Even at (10) Stacks of Determination, Perhaps Blizzard should make it that the mechanics don’t do as much damage. This might perhaps be the key to making this boss defeatable.

If not, I recommend Blizzard remove some, Not all, Of the mechanics in LFR difficulty.

Just my 2-cents on this topic, As I’ve experienced LFR on this particular boss already and seen the devastation it does to groups.


Apparently people are trolling by taking their cloaks off before the fight so lol. Gg Blizz


LFR is where I like to go to learn mechanics—at least for Ny’alotha. That said, I only have gone through the first 2, probably won’t bother with LFR N’Zoth anytime soon because of what I’m hearing.

Would removing mechanics really be the solution? Isn’t it a place to learn, not get a free handout and cutscene?

IMO, make LFR feel more like tutorial mode. More instructions without reliance on DBM. No cloak required for LFR—does that change the fight at all? (As I said, haven’t tried N’Zoth). Hell, even slow things down for some encounters if needed, but not remove. LFR could have the purpose I try to give it!


The dmg is not whats hurting players from what I have read on the forums I don’t do lfr so can’t confirm but for the most part it seems the sanity mechanic is whats wiping groups and as lets face its the 1 mechanic of the fight it seems to speak more of the player base than of blizz

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The thing is even on normal/heroic runs the issue is almost never DPS. It’s mechanics. Dropping stacks… standing in stuff, paranoia, even heroic raiders that want to take this stuff seriously can’t do it.

They pretty much left EVERYTHING in for LFR. I guess they didn’t do the fight live with a few pugs to get a feel for what it’s like.

That said, I can also see why it should stay in. It’s the last boss of the xpac. Make people work for it. I mean, I did a heroic run with like 23 wipes - just get someone to step up, make a disc, and get everyone to work together. If you do that you get loot, otherwise it’s something to work towards as an LFRer.



NO Don’t like it don’t do it


Short answer? No.

It’s the final raid. LFR should never be an AFK fest. People will learn it.


Sanity is the big part and people are being told to use their cloak for the carapace boss and their neck for N’zoth fight.

It really isn’t hard of a fight if people follow simple mechanics and pressing a keybound special action button or clicking on it with ones cursor is a simple mechanic.


So yeah its a lackluster player base and not a blizz issue


The problem isn’t damage, the mechanic is sanity. It’s a fail or succeed mechanic not a “just reduce it” kind of a thing.
To nerf the boss to being currently doable by most LFR groups with the current mentality would only work by removing sanity altogether from the encounter which really just removes the only mechanic of the fight.

Well, what good is LFR if all mechanics are removed? Oh wait, some.

I only recently starting doing LFR in Nyalotha, is the Nzoth fight really that bad in there?

LFR is never going to be removed, and it’s always going to award loot. It’s always going to face troublesome periods thanks to the poor coordination of a large group of random people; varying gear and skill sets; potential difficulties in players who don’t speak the predominant language; and the ever-popular griefing inflicted upon groups by “real” raiders.

Year after year some minority of forum dwellers identifying as “real” raiders demand LFR be removed while disparaging the skills, desires, and humanity of “the people in LFR”. Year after year trolls mimic same. And year after year LFR somehow manages to get by just fine sooner or later.


It’s not bad if people just take two minutes to talk about it. I did it within 3 tries, but yes, there have been many groups failings to do mechanics enough that it mostly reached 10 determination stacks.

However the mechanics themselves aren’t hard - but when there’s say 10 people in the group who have come from a background of never doing raiding before it’s more of a challenge for them to know that they need to keep say ‘sanity up’ before they hop down to Psychus.

I mean, that’s just kinda funny though. I want to see this with a couple of peeps just decked to the nines in like Mythic gear and super tanky, like some big Fury and DK boiz who deliberately do this and have the raid fight some raid boss peeps at the same time lol

Would be hilarious to watch honestly.

Telling people that it’s ok if they don’t try, that someone, Blizzard, will look out for them.

No thought on getting better, self improvement, working towards something, achievement. Being the God they deserve to be. You’re telling people to just give up, but not on my watch

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This is a videogame intended to be purchased for entertainment. Achievement in this game means nothing to anyone but yourself. Go complain to other people that they’re watching television wrong.

You are no god. Get over yourself.


Never my friend.

Why let other’s tell you what you’re capable of. They just tell you that you can’t, that you’re not good enough.