You’re not the target demographic. Why do you think they should change LFR to cater to raiders, who whined incessantly for the last 2 expansions that they were being forced against their will to run LFR?
It gives people something to do. Removing “things to do” at this point would mean people who have less to do might let their subs lapse.
These are people your guild would reject outright. They are low skilled. They’re not going to start their own guild and look for other screw-ups to make you happy.
People who do LFR show up in every one of these anti-LFR threads and say why they do LFR. So read what they are saying?
I don’t think it should be catered to raiders. It shouldn’t exist or be a single player mode with an NPC guild that won’t fail. That way we don’t have to keep having people complain that the easiest content available is too hard. It could be a training mode to learn mechanics without relying on others. Training grounds for raiding.
To my previous point instead of a mode that caters to bad players remaining bad players they could actually try to teach/encourage them to learn their roll and engage with other players.
They are saying LFR is too hard because people don’t pay attention to mechanics. Maybe Blizzard could find a way to teach them how to deal with the mechanics for their role cause LFR doesn’t seem to work.
Nah, LFR is the place to get a free handout and a cut scene. LFR is to “See the content”. So you get a lesser version of the loot, a lesser version of the experience, and you see the zone.
I wish more experienced players would take on LFR runs, I’ve had nothing but good experiences in LFR if somewhat scattered, because good players take up the torch to help out newer people just trying to see the content.
So what people are saying is that they want the “cinematic xpacs” back, and everything lore should be made in solo content.
And they should leave instances for people who like instances. Like leaving pvp for people who like pvp.
The track record of it is shady. People complain that “no one pvp” because no one needs to pvp and the people doing it are the “few” who like it. It is not a problem for people who really like pvp, but for those who pvp just to feel powerful over those who cant pvp, they miss the days pve people had to do pvp and the scum of PvP had a fodder.
Same will happen to people who cant pve, but use pve to feel better than the casuals. If there is no more casuals in LFR or LFD, these people will see how bad they are and they will be upset.
No. The problem is that they wrecked PvP this expansion. Gearing without doing raiding or high keys is not competitive. Rewards aren’t there. Loads of people have quit because it’s trash designed for raiders who don’t do pvp for raiders who don’t do pvp.
I miss the days when you could queue for a random bg and expect to find other casuals there, not mythic raiders looking for their daily cp and an honor farm for their essence upgrades.
Yeah, people have been saying Blizzard wrecked pvp since WSG was added. Which in itself is nonsense.
They said Alterac Broke pvp, they said changing Alterac Broke PvP.
Honestly, it is very hard to make an assessment about this because everyone talks about every of those things in contradictory terms.
But from a indiferent stand point, it all sound like nonsense.
Well its easy to get 10 stacks of Determination and still fail at boss. People will find a way to fail at 100 stacks of Determination if it went up that high.
All about machanics. One tentacle swipe can knock out half the dps if they stood under it.
Damage taken isn’t the issue…it’s sanity management and LFR can’t do that good without voice. The whole concept of a MC fight and sanity drain fight does not go well with randoms put together by a system.
No LFR does not need to go, at the end of the day, for us normal and heroic and mythic raiders, why does LFR bother you? It doesn’t. You don’t need to bother with it, were getting the higher ilvl loot, and what your getting has no interaction with LFR and their players who don’t do mechanics well. Let the people who need to complete their quests run LFR or get some 430 ilvl loot or transmog, you can stay in normal/heroic/mythic and it’s existence is no bother to you.
I did it in two groups in another toon. One had 4 det. One did it at one try.
Saying such things dont really speak about the game or the devs, but about the players.
In LFR what I have seen is that one simple thing eludes simpler minds:
You can only use the heart once you kill the add, and you can only kill the add if you kill enough tentacles.
I heard idiots saying “Kill all tentacles”, “kite the big add”. Is that a game problem ? no. The game is not stupid. It is quite simple, but not stupid.
Then people are told by many sources, to use the heart before the portal.
The fight in itself is very simple. You can just make it vicariously, you dont even need to really learn the details.
Reducing the sanity lost by even 30% would help a lot. Or allowing the neck to be used in the other realm. Or when you run out of sanity you just die, because people can’t seem to grasp jumping off the edge. After running it 20+ times the last two weeks the things I see killing people are.
The anguish pools drain way to much sanity if people don’t know they cant run through it or the tanks positions Psychus poorly. This is usually a melee dps issue as they tend to stand directly behind the boss then run through the pool to catch up to the boss.
Players loosing sanity getting mced and causing everyone else to loose sanity. Particularly if they get mc’ed in the first phase as we now have to kill the players instead of getting time in on the boss.
Paranoia killing multiple players even if its only one person that fails. I don’t know how many times I told people to stack for this and not run away. Then they run away from me and though other players.
Players not realizing they can’t wait till 0 to use the neck
Players not using the neck before going below.
The refusal to use in game voice chat or a discord.
Its the only fight here were failing a mechanic doesn’t just hurt you it kills other people. The rest of the fight I can just type out stack on me and such and it works out fine.
They miss the days were half the bg was bots and they got free HK’s.
I do it because at 3am there is no one on in the guild and I’ve already cleared farther then most pugs in the lfg and I’m not looking to push m+.
Instead I can sit back and relax, try out new specs or talent or even just mess around on alts. While at the same time helping other people learn the mechanics of a fight and hopefully gain enough confidence to try it on normal.
Funny enough, that’s precisely why I defend LFR. Because of being told for years that I’m not good enough to join the elite cool kids club and raid with them.