About gender name changes

Or instead of leaping to conclusion (because yes, you are leaping blindly off of the basis of datamined information) they’re setting the body types up like how the Dracthyr have Body Types 1-4 for future body sizes to be added, and the differences in body will simply be based off of number and not whether it has breasts or not.

I know, it doesn’t fit your narrative that it’s somehow malicious towards the binary population, but maybe it is something that simple and you’re complaining about nothing.

Lmao no LGBTQIA+ people refer to this stuff as “Rainbow Capitalism” trust me they’re very aware that this is just some pr stunt like with every other company unless they put their money where their mouth is

Not to mention most leftists kinda hate Blizzard from what I’ve seen due to the whole law suit thing and American leftists hate them even more because they donate to republicans

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Right, I get you, and typically when I find out a person’s real life sex I use the pronouns aligned with that (My brain by default uses the pronouns aligned with the character’s sex). I’m usually good at not insulting people, so I don’t think that should be an issue, but as I’ve mentioned in other posts I would like a toggle for all these possible changes. I prefer playing a game where there are males and females, not body type 1/2, and I want to continue playing WoW without an extra tag under a character’s name indicating their pronouns. Once I interact with anyone and I see their pronouns are different I’m ok with organically changing thinks up on a human/personal level.

What if, in a future update, those two buttons go away?
What if, in a future update, we get more body types?
You pick a race, then everything after that is character customization.

Dracthyr are setting a precedent for an immense customization overhaul across the board. This is a good thing. Lots of other games do this. It’s about time WoW is catching up. In fact, there are a lot of updates we’ve been seeing as of late that look more like laying a foundation to expand upon in the future. Again, this is a good thing.

Instead, everyone wants to piss and moan about an immediate imagined affront to their delicate sensibilites.

The character customization in wow is just too restrictive for what you suggest. Other games solve this by introducing sliders to every aspect of the character from weight, height, chest, stomach…you name it. Wow doesn’t have that capability nor will it ever, the engine doesn’t support it. So you will always get preset customization options. I just can’t see a patch where people would be happy with no body type and choosing from several cookie-cutter options instead. I understand inclusion as well, the game should support and reflect what makes you comfortable to play. For some they want Body 1 and Body 2 for others they feel comfortable with Male females. Inclusion isn’t about taking away but rather adding to, this change feels more like taking away in place of sort of thing. If the developers offered a setting in the menu to either use M/F labels or Body 1 and Body 2 labels…I think that would satisfy everyone’s concern while truly being inclusive. Its all about the user experience anyway so give the user the option.

Yeah, that’s how it should ideally be. That or make male and female models be further customizable. Let’s hope they do it either way, I’m okay with it.

We have lost the ability to compromise so the verbal tribal warfare will continue as part of our regularly scheduled programming.


To me, that’s where this feels like it’s eventually headed. I hope that’s the case, because there are some options locked to male or female that I’d love to use on the other.

Baby steps and all that.

But isn’t “misgendering”, someone after you know their “pronouns” a grievous hate crime, or does that only apply to some people and not others?

Icons go away and replaced with birthing human and non birthing human
More issues explained in DSM 5 because of self hate.

That has nothing to do with anything I posted at all.

But sure, go off I guess. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Exactly they might as well have just put a :restroom: sign there

Ah yes. Finding the compromise between the “You must cease to exist because you offend skydaddy” and the “leave me alone” crowd would be super easy, surprised no one has tried it yet.

Humanity was a mistake that needs to be corrected, where’s that asteroid.


Especially when considering that it doesn’t seem like they’re actually going to be doing the level of overhaul that some people are assuming is going to happen

TO be honest if the change really isn’t going to change the actual genders or give people the options to pick the body type then once they pic a race choose what gender the body type is going to be , they may as well put the symbols back and make the option just be pick the pronoun you want for the character.

It’s not nice, I’ll absolutely affirm, but generally as long as the mistake is simply genuine and not malicious, a gentle correction is all it takes to course-correct. But repeated and insistent misgendering is cause for a stern talking-to and might be considered harassment if things escalate from there. Good thing that there’s One Weird Trick™ to staying on a person’s good side. Ready? Here it comes, I’m gonna reveal the trick, lean in close, here’s the big secret trick:

When someone shares their preferred pronouns with you, use them.

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In a game where 95%+ of the “female” toons are played by “males” IRL, I find all this kerfuffle over pronouns to be… silly at best.


I feel sorry you feel that way about all collective humanity. There is something deeply wrong with that line of thinking.

Considering humanity will probably wipe itself out within the next century, and take everything else with it - that line of thinking is probably the most merciful.

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For as long as humanity has survived so far, saying we will wipe ourselves out within the next century is a bit of a stretch don’t you think? Being unhappy with current events socially & politically is not going to end the species. There is a potential collapse in society which may turn into civil wars in some cases, world war possibly in others. Considerable damage could be caused, but I do not agree humanity will wipe itself out entirely as you are suggesting.