About gender name changes

I don’t know… i Get it. Humanity is pretty self serving garbage sometimes

Ask “Why is it so important?” to the people flipping their wigs. And that goes for “both sides”

It’s crazy to me that people are fighting with each other over stuff like this when Big Brother is bending us all over.


And that’s cool.

But I also look at history… The destruction of the environment, the poor getting poorer, The laws favoring the rich, People going into poverty to afford health care, There’s no right or wrong answer… I don’t work for them but they’re glaringly obvious

Not all history is full of evil. Is there lots of it? Sure. But you are doing a big disservice to all the good too. Even with the economic struggles today, this is a better time to be alive then say 400 years ago.

Fair point. Food for thought

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No you don’t, and I bet none of them are post-op.

Anyone who is bothered by something so inoffensive is a person desperately in need of a life


This is off topic, but we really haven’t been around all that long in the grand scheme of things, and even then we’ve only had the technology to actually wipe ourselves out for a little less than eighty years now. I don’t think it’ll ever actually happen, but it certainly is possible.

It’s weird to think about, but there have been people throughout all of history that believed they were living through the end times.

they are, crazy how the entire lgbt isnt 100% a hivemind… yet… xD

Personally I trend towards using they/them for most online interactions. It’s just easier once you get used to it, because they/them is a one-size-fits-all solution, y’know?

But the thing about misgendering is that it’s like screwing up someones name. Once or twice? Not a big deal especially if you correct yourself.

It’s really only a jerk move if you deliberately go out of your way to do it. It’s one of those things thats about the intent far more than the action itself.

If I were a betting man, I’d say that this will have nothing to do with player interactions and everything to do with like how titles get applied to your character (Crazy Cat Lady vs Crazy Cat Man, Fun Gal v Fun Guy, Baron v Baroness, etc) and how NPCs refer to you.

Which I kinda like. There’s a bunch of titles that I think sound better in either the feminine or masculine version. I think female humans look better than male humans, but Lord of War is a wayyyyy better title than Lady of War, so if the pronouns can change that, then that’s a decent improvement in my books.


They haven’t done that.

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Far more bluntly than I would of put it :rofl: but yes Blizzard is nothing but a meme of it’s former self and it’s Woke following is all it will have left. I thought GuildWars was bad then Blizz said hold my beer.

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You’re using uncalled-for personal insults against OP and then calling OP angry. Please respect the community guidelines:

Be kind to your fellow community members.

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If women and men do not exist, no one can be accused of assaulting them. Right Blizzard?


“TrUsT tHe ScIenCe.” LMFAO!! There are only 2 genders. And you can’t change my mind.


put this trash into the game and I will cancel my account instantly


We are be like those ppl who moved underground in that 70s movie, I forget the name

Uh…words have meaning. The meanings don’t change because of how people feel.
Blizzard is so stupid to bend to this trash. News flash…most the people claiming to be trans aren’t. It’s popular. Look at the studies… over 40% of crazy gen z claim they are LGBT. Riiight…