About gender name changes

In all honesty, the amount of pushback this simple idea is getting is kind of repulsive. Body type is a bad indicator of what pronoun, gender, or even sex a person is, so it makes sense to make them neutral ‘Body Types’ and leave personal identification to more customizable fields.

This shouldn’t be grating for anyone because nothing is changing about THEIR identity, other people are simply being able to express themselves as they see fit for their fantasy.

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They singular they/them/their has existed for literally hundreds of years. It’s perfectly fine to use regardless of the situation.

For example, “the healer disconnected, but I think they are going to reset their internet and will be back soon” conveys the message equally well without needing to know the healers gender either because you’re unsure of it, or because it’s not relevant to the conversation.

I’ll die on the hill of “dudes” or “bros” being a gender-neutral term of endearment.

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Yeah, it’s a non-issue for me. I believe they’re just being brought into line with other aesthetic choices during character creation.

NPCs “misgender” straight “cis” people now by calling everyone “they / them”, since the NPCs have known the characters long enough to know how they "identity ".

Well, what a good thing that you get to determine your preferred gender pronouns in character creation.

They/them is accepted ‘neutral’ nomenclature as far as I understand.

Right I just roll with it

First of all, the pronoun stuff is a work in progress, from what I’ve read on Wowhead it’s not even in-game yet it’s just been datamined. Second of all, the datamining has revealed THREE pronoun options: He/Him, She/Her, and They/Them. So contrary to what you say we WILL still be able to use he/she.


Ugh oh. Anytime I enter a BG or a dungeon, I say “Hi Guys!”

Ban incoming.

I love the changes because i get to watch a bunch of grown men mald over it.

nothing funnier than some 35 year old furiously typing at the AUDACITY of body 1/body 2.

I hope they add a flag of ownership but the flag is a rainbow flag. LMAO

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no, i dont subscribe to that doctrine, commies are for sure in the room tho. :wink:

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I am sure you know how to use a search engine to find out for yourself here, right pal?

You’re making the claim, you need to provide evidence.

The only peer-reviewed study I could find suggested that of the 7000+ pooled trans participants, only <1-1 per cent regretted the choice to transition. Help me out here and link me to the research you’re drawing on.


Not sure what’s worse, that this post exists or that 28 people liked it.

Inclusivity being added to the game is always a good thing. Bigots can go elsewhere.

I acknowledge that they exist and the ones I know (all be it are here in the forums) I am friendly or at least civil with. I believe everyone deserves human rights and dignity .

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Why does this comment have so many likes… yikes.

I understand that some people use singular they/them pronouns, but I rarely see this myself or use those pronouns that way. I’ve lived my entire life using they/them for groups of people, or for individuals whose sex I don’t know. For me it takes an extra step in my brain to use singular they/them.

And here I thought this thread was going to be about name changes in the shop.

Instead of another bigotry tantrum thread.

Not me, I use the pronouns aligned with the sex of the character. I do change it up if I learn that the individual playing said character is of the opposite sex of the character. I’m just a little concerned at what changes this could bring to the game, and how likely I am to get in trouble if I don’t adopt this new language/religion, which is why I think a toggle option of some sort would be great.

As I mentioned before, for example, I think in terms of male and female, so using body type 1/2 is jarring to me. I understand some people want this, but could I get an option to still see male/female where it applies?