About gender name changes

I don’t want any part of the “American culture.” They came over here, slaughtered the sovereign citizens of the Tribal Nations, imposed their made-up religion under the threat of death, and started kidnapping melanated folks to make them work as slaves. Ya’ll can keep alllllll that.


yet their nations were the first to recognize us(gays) as equals legislatively. they made marriage look so good we wanted it too, not just for financial reasons. i like them far more than ideologs closer to our camp telling us we’re victims for simply existing.

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No they didn’t . Slaves were sold off by other Africans during that time.

The voyages to get to Africa were long back then along with diseases like scurvy affecting crews most Americans and Europeans would not go deep into Africa over fear of unknown diseases.

Not saying Slavery is right but saying they went into Africa and kidnapped the people is false . Oh and slavery is still practiced in parts of Africa. What do you think all those child soldiers fighting for various warlords are .


People out here really think that the Tiny Tina character creation is gunna Thanos snap their gender out of existence.

You are misunderstanding what I mean by “they.”

I don’t mean white invaders. I mean authoritarians. I don’t care if you’re from Africa, Europe, or North America - if you seek to control and oppress others, you are “they,” and you are my enemy.

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Fair enough, but in game I typically use the pronouns she/her for female (body type 2) characters, and he/him for male (body type 1) characters.

For example, if the healer is a body type 2 Night Elf I might say “the healer is afk, I think she got disconnected”. Is this still allowed?

Also, from this conversation I’m saying body type 1/2 because it’s relevant to what we’re discussing, but typically I’ll continue to say male/female. Like if someone asks “is the warrior still ganking around here?”, I might ask “the male Tauren?” for clarification when I’ve seen multiple warriors in the area.

Lastly, I only use they/them pronouns for groups of people, or in the rare occasion that I don’t know someone’s sex. Is this ok?

Where is the option to change the pronouns the game uses for you?


It’s funny how much of your comment applies to you and not the person you replied to, especially given heternormativity being shoved down everyone’s through forever and continues to be but you’re not commenting about that.

Heteronormativity is in everything, true.

Let me know when you find a video game that has zero real life references, or something political, or things referencing religion… Like events around Christmas, and all that.

Again, let me know when you find a game that fits your own criteria, since WoW never did.

True, they could do something about guilds like yours that disrupt gameplay and run around on RP servers disrupting RP too.

But yes, I’m sure the person who coded this also works on the same team that deals with gameplay and visual customization.

Why you still here? It’s been injecting said things into the game from the start and has been ‘bleeding players’ since Cata.

Seems to me the weaker ones are the ones that can’t handle a simple pronoun change in an online video game, tbh.

Kinda does, hence Visage form. If you want to argue the ‘main’ form doesn’t, then you’d also have to bite the bullet (now) that no race has gender either. Which doesn’t make any sense.

There was up until now, and again - they still use the symbols for male/female up top if you checked.

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I don’t seek to oppress anybody .

I seek to not have my opinions squashed just because I may or may not agree with any certain group or groups.

I want conversation where people can disagree and be civil and not this " Since you disagree with me you are either an ist or a phobe" type of interaction today’s offended over everything society seems to have.

I welcome opinions that don’t agree with mine . I want the same in return .


I think it is DF thing so probably not until pre patch

Forums aint it sadly. Idk what you two are going on about but 9/10 forums is a mess

That’s why I didn’t say you kidnapped melanated people. You didn’t. They did.

“They” being both the Africans in power who sold them as well as the visitors who purchased them as though they were not living beings.

Your opinions aren’t being squashed, but disregarded. And there’s a reason for that. People’s existence is not debatable, and when you seek to discuss the merits of them existing, the only response anyone can really have is to disregard you or join you. There’s nothing to debate. Transgendered people exist and always have. You can like it or not like it, but they’re out there either way, they’re human, and they deserve the same respect and dignity afforded to every other human being. If your opinion differs from that, I wouldn’t fault anyone for choosing to disregard whatever you have to say - because that is literally a bigoted position.

You’re talking about debate with college liberals. That’s whatever. I don’t care about them. I’m talking about actual trans people that don’t want to argue with you over if they exist or not or if they should have human rights and dignity. Of course they should, and saying otherwise would be an act of aggression.

You are welcome to have your opinion. When you share it, others are welcome to roll their eyes and walk away. Some may agree, and that’s fine. You do you. Just understand that nobody has to indulge you or anyone else. We each live life on our own terms, and how you choose to treat others is directly related to how they choose to treat you.


I find that most people assume that everyone is a guy IRL in the general game, even if they play a female character. I get called “he” and “him” in LFR and BGs more often than not, even playing this character. I’m not bothered by it beyond a general vague sense of irritation since I know tons of women who play the game but the meme is still “there are no women playing WoW”, I just mostly think it’s funny.

Either way, there’s no rule that you can’t refer to someone with pronouns that line up with their character’s appearance. If they specifically ask you not to, though, and you still do, it’s a bit of a jerk move.

We’re not sure how the system works yet and if you will be able to see people’s pronoun choices or if it’s purely just an option for NPCs to use in dialogue.

But I can promise you this, if you use the wrong pronouns for someone in game because you’re not sure what their pronouns are, and they correct you and tell you the ones they use, there is 100% nothing wrong or offensive about that, so don’t worry. The only offense is when someone tells you their preferred pronouns and it’s very obvious that you’re going out of your way to purposely use the wrong ones. This doesn’t even apply to trans or non-binary people either, if you told someone you use he/him pronouns and someone refused to use them and only referred to you as she/her, it would get pretty annoying right? But if someone doesn’t have any idea and you let them know, no harm there, right?

When in doubt, just use common sense and courtesy.

Ah, man, you must be wild fun at parties.
No cap.

I have folks on my friends list that call me dude and Hey man and that kind of thing. I don’t have the heart to correct them. I could but I don’t know it’ll ruin Stuff. I corrected someone before and I completely changed their way of talking and it’s like eh

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In nearly 99% of quest they do not refer to us by gender. If anything this seems more likely for future content and from the looks of it YOU CHOOSE how they refer to you so this is a none issue.

Many of the people I play with don’t know what gender I am, and it may be a long time before it comes up in a way that won’t impact the dynamic already established.

As far as quest text goes I stopped reading it when they ran out of reasons as to why collecting these widgets was vital to our very survival.

I have a philosophy of generally avoiding high-maintenance people. All this gender stuff does make it faster to figure out contenders for that category. Either for or against, it’s a wonderful indicator of unpleasantness that’s best nipped in the bud with a hasty departure.

What is the problem with this? Your individual identity isn’t at risk or getting removed, and people whose identity differs will get to have their desired pronouns. It simply clarifies everyone’s character identity without needing to write more text in RP boxes that no one’ll read.

Honestly, I don’t see why everyone’s being so resistant to this. It’s super, super-easy to talk to someone once you know what to call them.

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Is it over a video game, or is it because of forced moral obligation and supposed fake pandering?

I’m not taking a side here, I think everyone is equally pathetic and terrible. But to claim it’s over just a video game, falls a bit short of the mark.

Imagine not realizing that the LGBTQ people get upset in the other direction all the time, and that they’re equally to blame for this sort of thing.

All of the things that people get upset about, well, almost everything, is so incredibly surface level and inconsequential. In a few years, a few decades, the things that people are crying and complaining about today will be viewed as a childish waste of time.

Yes, it is. But, it’s also predictable. These are the things that people worry about.

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