About gender name changes

It is telling that you think belief has anything to do with the definition of words. Words are tools to communicate, and as such, they mean whatever people understand when you say them. Your beliefs are irrelevant.

Today, “woman” means “an adult human being who presents and identifies as female.”

You may not like the fact that trans women are women, but the word is used that way, and we will continue using it that way, because that’s the meaning it has.


Ugghhh… Fine. I’ll try do it slowly.

It doesn’t solve the “issue” of Dracthyr not having a gender as it is now. You still pick the gender in the race picking screen (I would share screenshots but I can’t). They just have different labels. It’s redundant. How could they solve the “issue” properly? Well, by not making us picking any gender (well, now called body types) in the PICK RACE screen! Since what we want to do is mix both body types in the proper body type selection options in the CUSTOMIZE CHARACTER screen.

It’s literally possible to do it without changing those labels as well. You will be able to have a female body with a male voice, right? Why would replacing “female” to “body type 2” change anything? Again, I’m referring to the two buttons in the RACE PICKING screen (those with the male and female symbols), not those in the CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION ones which will allow you to select buff Dracthyr body types (it’s entirely another category, there is no correlation between these body types and the ones that used to be genders).

My observation here is: male and female body types aren’t really body types. Characters with sexual dymorphysm can be a chubby female, buff female, fit female, slim female. Or chubby male, buff male, fit male, slim male. That’s why I’m conflicted with the changes in the gender labels. Women and men tend to have different forms (characteristics) and it’s natural. But the change seems to serve no purpose since the now “body type options” are out of place. They’re meant to not be tied to a gender now, and I understand the argument of providing room for new body types. But you could do that by either keeping the genders or mixing their traits in the character creation screen.

I’m sure you have some rigorous and/or scholarly studies to back up your claim here, right pal?


if anybody whos says they are a woman is one, and anybody who says they are man is one, how are they different?

i have plenty of trans friends that called themselves transxuals, not women, seems of reality.

One says they’re a man and the other says they are a woman. Is this a rhetorical question? You already answered your own question.

^ This

The devs pandered to a noisy faction to shut them up while leaving the rest of the game alone for the rest of us so they can keep their keys to the Cosby Suite.

The only people outraged by this are rage-a-holics running around LOOKING for something to be outraged about. Maybe blizz should add a Costanza Gender for these people.

You clearly don’t care about what words mean, as I told you directly what it means and you are still failing to even repeat what I said in your already-failed attempt at a rebuttal.

I said:

“Presents and identifies.” Not says.

You can say whatever you want. Jamie Foxx said he was a woman on “In Living Color” when he dressed in drag. That doesn’t make him a woman, because he actually identifies as male, and in his normal life, he presents as a man.

People call you what they see you presenting as. It helps if you pass. Most who truly identify can pass, because the truth is that male and female bodies aren’t all that different. Most people lack strong gendered features anyway, so transitioning with hormones is usually effective in allowing people to present as the gender they identify as.

You can tell when a person identifies as a man because they don’t get angry/sad/depressed/upset when you call them “he.” Identity is deeply personal, and very few things are more offensive than having your identity questioned, ridiculed, and mocked by people who don’t like you (despite not knowing you) because they’re ignorant, bigoted, unevolved jerks who shouldn’t be allowed among people.

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yes, as my conservation here started in regards to destabilization.

thank you for providing an example.

oh look some more,

??? :rofl:

yea you can feel like a women while in drag, doesnt make you one.

true, and im not about to break down this inherent biological mechanism for peoples feelings.

Yes. It does. Reptile form doesn’t have a gender. There’s body types for the Dracthyr. There’s no way to choose a gender. It’s called “coding.”


Grats. You finally figured it out.

I can’t explain coding any more to you. I’m done.

This isn’t really an explanation. For it to be an explanation you would have to tell me:

HOW does it unlock it? What difference there is between the approach I explained and the one Blizzard decided to take and why is it better? What is locked? “Code” doesn’t really say anything and I still got these questions.

I think you’re just skipping 80% of my posts or reading them without analyzing a word I’m saying, because you keep saying the same even though I’ve done my best to refute your points.

We get it, you’re a big Jordan Peterson fan lol.


well ima gay guy so i’ve been involved with this topic my entire life, much before he made waves in my country.

if we’re talking e-daddies for this topic, i find James Lindsey to be the most articulate.

Man this is a lot to do about nothing.

Add in one tiny gender tick Box and the world loses its mind.

I wonder if this is how people reacted when they found out women can vote

Plenty of straight people have no problems with inclusion, arguably even most of them. I am “A Straight” or “a cishet” or whatever the term is these days and this affects me zero percent. Call it male and female, call it 1 and 2, call it Slim and Shady. I could not possibly summon a mote of energy to care about it.

But if it makes someone new come to the game, go to create a character and see something in quite possibly the most tiny way possible that makes them feel a little more included and welcome, I feel good about that. As someone who felt actively shut out of “gaming” communities and even jobs for most of my life due to my gender, someone who felt like I was spending time in spaces that not only weren’t for me but that were actively hostile to me, I’m all about seeing the straight white male default “only boys play video games” culture change, even in small ways.

I also have the basic ability to have empathy for people who aren’t exactly like me, and as far as I can tell that’s the main thing that makes me a librul by modern reckonings. And I’m fairly sure that the people who don’t care about this at all or who like this change outnumber the people who have gone Big Aggro over it.


I agree with most of your post, but this made me feel like I had to speak up for my side.

Empathy begins at center-left. US Democrats are about as far-right as you can get and still have empathy among the base.

Empathy is present all the way left of US Democrat. Anarchists are defined by our empathy, because we’re already free. We want everyone else to be free. It’s a position driven by concern for others and a desire for everyone to have a better life.

Liberals do not have a monopoly on empathy, and if most who identify as “Liberal” did some digging into ideologies and political positions, they may discover that they are not liberal at all, but something well left of that position. :slight_smile:

Liberalism, after all, inherently maintains the status quo. The more empathy one has, the more one wants to tear the status quo down and pulverize it into dust.

Yeah I know, I’m just saying, for the kinds of people who tend to flip out about stuff like this, anything left of authoritarian fascism is labeled “LIBRUUUUUL”


Can we have option to toggle the new inclusivity stuff on/off? I don’t mind people who view the world differently having these pronoun/body/voice options, but I see the world in a more traditional way, with males and females (as the game has been since 2004).


Absolutely. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been accused of being liberal, and I’m like, “My brother in Satan, Joe Biden and Donald Trump are both lame duck figureheads of an authoritarian oligarchy and I want to destroy everything their culture has built over the past 246 years. I am in no way, shape, or form a liberal.” and they look at me like


So, what you do is, if you happen to make a new character that you want to be male, you pick Body Type 1. If you want your new character to be female, you pick Body Type 2.

If they ever do let you have a toggle option for your pronouns that only you can see and that might change some in-game text when NPCs address you, then pick “He/Him” or “She/Her” instead of “They/Them”.

Ta-daaaaah! You’re covered. No one is going to come to your house and force you to make a character using a male body but female voice and they/them pronouns.

ok true

dang you just gunna hand it to em like that? ight