About gender name changes

As a straight Cis Woman, It doesn’t matter to me. It’s just nothing in the scope of things.

Because things must make sense. Or at least that’s how my world works. Not a big deal, yeah, but when something is done for whatever random reason it makes my eyes roll. I think accepting stuff just because makes people manipulable too.

If someone could explain me why calling “Body type 2” works better than “Female body type”, I would shut up. But people just keep saying the same stuff, like blindly accepting every change just because “it doesn’t harm” (which isn’t the point).


Because Dracthyr.

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Not all of us in it do

Love when people assume others are mad.
“Oh no he’s cursing, he must be so triggered” bahahaha

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True if this wasn’t something that was probably easy to do.

Im no game maker, and I know it wasn’t a snap of a finger, but adding a toggle like this can’t have been that hard.

What about Dracthyrs? Is it about their customizable body types again?

1 - They’re two different categories in the customization menu (body type != male, female models). Meaning that you can pick either a “male” dracthyr or “female” (with their respective sex traits for humanoid forms) with a buff body type for example. Stop mixing both categories.

2 - Their humanoid forms are still classified in male body type and female body type.

If every race didn’t have sexual dymorphysm like dracthyr’s draconid form, this would make sense. But it doesn’t. There are more masculine bodies and more femenine bodies for every race. That’s a fact and it shouldn’t be considered non-inclusive. I’m all about picking the pronouns but it’s more logical to have male and female bodies instead of body type 1 and body type 2.

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No you cannot. Dracthyr reptile has no gender.

The label on a customization screen is meaningless. All it does is give them the opportunity to create more body types that can be whatever and bunch them all together, while solving the issue of Dracthyr not having a gender. It unlocks previous locks for voices, pronouns, titles, etc. without screwing with the old, locked down male/female code.

It’s literally meaningless semantics. Other games do this and no one cares. There’s nothing that changes for your character.

Wishing someone “happy holidays” does not erase Christmas.

Including trans males in the fight for reproductive rights does not erase women.

Adding more inclusive body types and pronouns in a game does not erase male and female genders.

This is Blizzard’s game and it is there’s to change as they please. Feel free to go play something that caters exclusively to cis het males if you don’t like it.


But they’re not doing this. They’re simply renaming the male/female buttons in the race picking screen to body type 1 and body type 2. It’s not the same body type customization (in the create character customization menu for instance) you’re talking about. What you say would work if they removed those buttons in the pick race screen and male and female models were mixed in the customization menu.

Yet. We don’t know what’s planned. And again…

I’m not against the idea of mixing male and female body in the character creation screen as you say. But that’s not what they’re doing here, otherwise they would’ve completely removed the choice in the race picking screen. It doesn’t make sense to pick the body type there and then the rest in the character customization screen (like we do with dracthyr dragon form, body type choice is there but we still choose between body type 1 and 2 in the pick race screen, kinda redundant if you ask me). Therefore I don’t buy it. They made the mindless desition to change the labels and call it “inclusive” so they could receive some praise and that’s it.

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I’m not sure how many more times I’m supposed to link this before you actually read it…

gays are defined the binary as well, we dont like this stuff either.


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I wouldn’t have thought about it much to be honest. It’s a good change for people who need to see it, and it doesn’t harm the game at all for people who don’t care about it.


mm its more about how a destabilizing doctrine is being forced into every single one of our institutions, gaming being one the last. rip.


lol, your past stability was an illusion maintained by the enforced silence of the marginalized and the willful ignorance of the privileged. Nothing can further destabilize society, because it was never stable to begin with.


you dont even believe the definition of woman is an adult human female. destabilized.