About gender name changes

I’m not the one injecting pandering nonsense into my fantasy game, and you wonder why wow is bleeding players and has fast become a joke and the company that made is all but dead, wow is turning into woke hot garbage with all this pronoun non-sense, news flash bud there’s only 2 sexes male and female and pronouns is for the weak, video games used to be fun and free of such clown world garbage, which you clearly never played or you’d see why this is just a stupid change to appease less than 1% of the population


Ah, so you’re just going to resort to insults instead of having a real conversation. Got it.

If a pronoun bothers you that much, you’re the issue, not Blizzard.

Yes, god forbid should people be called what they wish. You must get super mad when someone asks you to call them Miss instead of Ms. or Dr. instead of Mrs.

  1. I don’t have Twitter nor any social media, because it’s the bane of society’s existence.
  2. I am Ukranian and don’t even understand why you’re using a flag as an insult.

What’s your problem?


Speaking of clown world garbage.

How are you doing?

Guess you guys are figuring out quick not to poke the bear, what goes around comes around.


They are starting to make WoW a little too weird.


gender matter, otherwise without gender humanity would extinct.

Game doesn’t need anymore politics. Its male and female


What does this even mean? Who are “you guys?”


But it’s… not taking away from being male/female??? Just choose a masculine body with he/him or a feminine body with she/her???


Here is my advice, don’t make a big deal out of something that at the end of the day is not a big deal.

If you do, you will likely be actioned.

If you aren’t a big fan, this is one of those times to take the high road and just let it go.

So we can all have fun togeather in the next expansion :stuck_out_tongue:

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Why would you have to pick he/him when picking the male body?

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This is apparently the wrong answer and people just want to be outraged. We can’t have logic here!

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And what if it defaults to binary? This seems to me like nothing is really changing but they are giving people the option to be trans or non binary if they want as a flavor thing. Something people already regularly do with TRP or via their character name.

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Exactly. They should keep those labels, they’re more descriptive. The label change is what makes my eyes roll, it wasn’t needed.

It’s whatever. Male/female, that’s what I see.

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Translation : I’m not going to use pronouns other then they or them when talking about a player. As in they are away or something along the lines of Ask Them ?

I will refer to others by their toon name or class.

Who cares what the label is? You can clearly see what you like and want to use. The stupid label you’ll never pay attention to and doesn’t go beyond the customization window is meaningless.

This kind of trash is just so tired. Get a new take.


Who cares. Just select the options you want your character to look and move. Such a minor thing to whine and complain about.

Be mad about it, not going to change anything. It is not your video game. Childishly flailing against the idea of other people existing, is about as useful as yelling at clouds - you just end up looking stupid and wasting your own time.

You are not Blizzard, you merely rent server access like the rest of us. You can speculate all you want about why WoW is bleeding players - you don’t know because you have, at best, anecdotal evidence from friends, if you even have any.

If $395m in revenue for one quarter (Activision) is dead, someone kill me right now. Your tendency for hyperbole isn’t doing you any favors, but sure, let me take advice from the internet tough-guy on what is for the weak and what isn’t - surely railing at your keyboard out of punch range makes you brave.

Video games haven’t changed, I’ve been playing them since the 80s. Clearly you are too self-centered to see that the world is changing around you. Must be frightening, wish I could scrounge up some pity for you.

For the record, I think the change is pointless, it doesn’t even qualify as lip service. However, seeing the reaction from people like you? I am 100% behind Blizzard making this change. I hope they change more pointless things like this, or maybe even find a bit of a backbone and change something that matters.

And I hope you get even madder each time, because the idea of you being completely powerless to do anything about it is delicious.

