About gender name changes

Inclusion. Genders aren’t just male and female. Why not include everyone if they can do it?

They’re not adding sexual orientation, they’re adding ways to express your gender, whatever that is.


Because the option isn’t gone. A label on one freaking screen did not delete male and female characters.

Literally nothing changes for us in the game.


This is the dumbest possible timeline to exist in.


Pronouns that YOU CHOOSE. That’s it. They did not delete your male character.

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There are people who are complaining about the change for logical reasons consistent with actual common sense, enjoying their right to have an opinion on the general forums.

Then there are people who are telling the upset people to shut up and not speak their opinion, insulting them, and trying to signal their virtue louder than the dissenters are opining.

Pick your side, I guess.

I’ll tell you one thing, tho. If I have to see ‘she/her’ on every freaking tooltip when I mouse over someone, THAT will be the thing that irritates me more than anything.

Might as well stick Ukrainian flags on the tooltip too, just for the added stupidity.



Does this mean if you pick say the bulkier body type then your race you can select a female and make them masculine or pick the thinner body type and make a skinny male Kul’Tiran ?

Or is it a case of you pick one body type and then go to the race and it is either all male characters or all male characters and they are all the same models we have been picking over the years?

And what are these “logical reasons?”

That’s where addons come in.

But just as an FYI… there are countries in this world that already do this in colleges, schools, companies, banks, games, etc.


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If you had common sense, you wouldn’t be asking me this.

If I need an addon to BLOCK stuff that Blizzard put into the game, it’s a bad change.

Yes, and it’s all stupid there too. Just because everyone does something doesn’t make it correct or good.

You have a Ukrainian flag in your twitter bio, don’t you?


Your not marginalized your just pretentious and annoying, keep forcing this stuff down everyone’s throats and wonder why your never accepted, it’s no longer live your best life, it’s you have to treat me how I feel, sorry but that’s not how it works in the real world.


How is this forcing anything down anyone’s throat? It’s an option you don’t even have to use.

It existing isn’t shoving it down your throat. And if that is the definition you’re not very tolerant to begin with, are you?


I don’t work for Blizzard, but you should ask them about it. If I had a vote, I’d say do it, just like New World did it.

They won’t change everything overnight, but this opens up the door for more customizations like the ones you mention. They are starting somewhere, and that’s a good thing.

Why would people feel threatened because they changed an icon?

It’s in everything if you can’t see it then your not paying attention, I don’t have to be tolerant when everyone is constantly ripping on people who just want video games and entertainment to remain what it is a distraction from real life not an imitation of this sad reality. Keep politics and your own personal self out of my video games you want your character or class to be whatever you want, then feel that way but don’t force me to conform to your twisted reality.


At this point in time, any quest text addresses you by your class, not your gender.

“Greetings Warlock, I need you to provide me 10 bear tongues…”

I cannot remember a single text that identifies gender at all.


What is the sense of changing the icon if the new icon still represents what the old icon did .

If Body type 1 shows :man_beard: and body type 2 shows :dancer: then what does removing

Actually accomplish .


It accomplishes everything you heckin’ chud, get riggidy rekt, This isn’t ur game nemore sweaty!


But this isn’t politics. These people exist. And it doesn’t matter what political belief you have.

I’m not accusing you of this but here’s what it is sounds like: I want the game to cater to my heterosexual sensibilities Like games used to from the eighties to now and I don’t want to see anything else.

Times change. People grow. I can’t emphasize how much this isn’t political.


Ok, so, lots to unpack here:

  1. WoW is not “your” video game. The MM in “MMORPG” stands for massively multiplayer. Not everyone is like you (thankfully), nor do they like the same things. Deal with it, that is your problem, no one else cares.
  2. You are the one interjecting your politics into the situation. Follow your own advice.
  3. I am pretty sure no one, not one single person, cares if you approve of how they live their life. Keep it to yourself.

If something this small and insignificant is keeping you from enjoying a video game, you probably should get professional help. I can’t imagine how you walk outside where far more offensive things occur on a regular basis.


76% who change regret it and change back.