About gender name changes

You don’t watch or read a lot of news do you. You also think its a good idea to sexually harass straight people? Bold take but ok.

Making you uncomfortable? I’d love to see that “Officer…that man winked at me.”

Why would I be uncomfortable?

Source needed.


You’re like a Boomer Boss Encounter.

You should be accompanied everywhere you go by two Elite Boomer Mini-Bosses.

Like Jason Momoa and his bodyguards.

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A wink is Sexual Harassment? Are you THAT obsessed that a friendly smile is an invitation? I smile and wink at everybody I run across, I just enjoy it when the bigots flame out about it.

Is this really all you have?

Watch me.

I gave you a chance. Some might say you didn’t deserve one, given the subject matter. Unfortunately, you were not capable of holding a conversation and it immediately devolved into gross mischaracterizations of reality itself that can only come from dishonesty or brainwashing.

Oh is that how it works? If enough people are wrong, they’re suddenly not wrong anymore? You’re only making my case for me.

What made you think I want your support? Tell you what. Grow as a person and address your dishonesty issues. Become a person I want to associate with. Then I’ll negotiate for your support.

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Well you got nothing but cheap shots

Ohh, I got a character on your server. :wink: :kiss:


So your big idea is to cyberstalk me?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Whatever man!

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Nothing of the sort. I never said that, I just mentioned I have a character on your server. You might want to pull your head from the gutter. Not like anything would happen, we would never meet in real life.

Don’t worry I would never stoop to your level. I have other things to do so enjoy the last word.

Oh, don’t forget your ball… :grin:

last word



Yeah that’s why i said it’s bigger than this particular issue in wow. That was the whole point.

lol…you have no idea how much i appreciate that.
In fact i need to make a toon named proud boomer. Said it before and I’ll say it again, if i have to remove logic and reality to be valid then I’ll gladly not be.

I wish someone would explain to me what the issue is of being male or female is such a big thing. You are what you live and identify with. Who Cares and especially in a Video Game~ What the Hell Happened to having Fun ??

Some people feel threatened about changes to the status quo, if you get to the basics.

Some of those people have a problem from separating from it