About gender name changes

Everybody has some sort of separation problem, I am dealing with not being young anymore yet, I have to deal with that separation of youth…People are just to damn squishy in today.s world. Still some people whimper about being politically correct about the male/female debate. If those people need to come to a gaming forum to activate their rage, maybe they should change games and not be allowed to change this game.

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why does it have so much money, though?

Decades is how.

The Dracthyr have that muscle density dropbox option in addition to picking the sex of their visage on the main screen. Oh excuse me, picking their Bodyonetwo. If they added a race with no dimorphism, or that had multiple unrelated body shapes, that would have justified the change. But Dracthyr ain’t it.

The other altruistic fact against OP’s topic:

No matter where you go there you are!
You are still you and no matter what you change… you will always be you.

Still could be building the groundwork for other body types. It really isn’t this big deal that the forums are trying to make it.


I hope they add the ability to have two names, so that if you decide to use a different body type, you can also have a different name. My name is unfitting to body type 1 so if I wanted to play it… I could… but I wouldn’t have a name I’d want to use for it. Lol

The hell is a cis? I’m a dude bruh.

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Cis is the opposite of trans.

I 100% agree with OP.

Please stop with the personal insults as it’s against community guidelines:

Be kind to your fellow community members.

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New class is the woker! Destroying everything they touch!

BLUF - it doesn’t matter at the end of the day to me as my characters will always be either male or female.

I hate the change to be honest, because I believe the game should be beyond pandering and just be a distraction from life at the end of the day.

Politics or political statements don’t belong in video games imo.


No no no

We don’t use that kind of logic around here

We screech loudly until people agree with our views or we report them for being bigots

(Seriously people keep saying “this doesn’t change anything” but I bet if Blizzard retracted the change and took it away, they’d all act like the sky was falling ((even tho it doesn’t change anything :wink:))


Did you say that before the change? Just wondering?

Here’s how you solve all pronoun issues forever - just refer to everyone you interact with as “y’all”, as in “Hey! How’re y’all doing today?” or “Y’all want to run some M+?” and so forth. It’s the perfect pronoun, good for all situations including both one person and groups.

Problem solved.

You’re welcome, y’all.


Exactly. People do not seem to understand that though.


If they want to add anything to it id put in the option to be referred to as he/him, she/her or they/them. This would make sense with races with less sexual dimorphism like the drakthyr or mechagnomes and is just more customization.

Some people believe theres thousands of genders and pronouns but thats not exactly feasible in a video game so I feel like that would make everyone pretty happy. Though tbh Ive never seen many people ask for these changes anyway.

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Because the people who are trans are also important…you do know that right?