About gender name changes

I find it funny that random npc#54 is somehow going to know to call you he when you look female and that a dude that just tried to genocide your people is going to respect your prefered pronouns. Is everyone on Azeroth going to have their twitter bios tattooed on their foreheads? Would be nice if they put they same amount of respect for their players into making a cohearent story.

It’s DEEPLY irrational. We’re talking about a couple of icons being changed, and that’s what you’re coming away with? My friend, that’s insane. Brains do not belong in washing machines.

And no. Again, there is no way this wouldn’t have gotten backlash. We’ve seen it before and we’ll see it again. This backlash is politically motivated and insincere.


now it all makes sense… you were put in a washing machine as a kid!

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(Insert Confused Travolta Gif Here)

Are you takin’ care of yourself? Maybe it’s time for a nap.

Being called a bigot or any type of istaphobe doesn’t mean anything anymore.


Honestly, it seems as if the irrational one here is you.

In fairness, I’m an elder Millennial, but my sensibilities better align with Gen Z. My fiancée is Gen Z, and between the two of us, I match more Gen Z stereotypes than she does.

But, no, the two generations are not close to the same thing. I am extremely unusual… a “proto-zoomer” if you will. There is a clear divide between me and other Millennials; so I would say that I’m the exception which proves the rule.

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It’s irrational to not be upset by a couple of icons changing? Okay. I don’t need anyone’s approval to know you’re wrong about that.

The only thing I’m not sure about is whether you’re a liar or just a victim of brainwashing that isn’t self-aware enough to recognize how insane what you’re saying sounds. Either way, pretending cis people are being erased is ridiculous and you have failed to convince me you have a good reason to be upset.

Predictably. Because this really is the dumbest controversy in a long time.

So many people upset over the implementation of two buttons.


Generational labeling is pure nonsense. Generations blend into each other its not like new humans are manufactured every 12 to 15 years.

To be fair it’s a lot bigger than that.
People are a bit tired of society being turned upside down and being expected to conform to crazy ideas.
It’s not that trans people do not exist, it’s that true trans people are actually pretty rare. I feel bad for those people. On the other hand we have a whole generation that thinks it’s “cool” and love to make themselves a victim of it. Gen z is actually the most pathetic generation i have ever seen. From their work ethics to their ability to cope with reality…they are a true train wreak.

I have no problem with more options as long as it doesn’t limit my options or freedoms.

Now you know how the Boomers feel! Only a matter of time before you start yellin’ at clouds. Ain’t that a scary thought.

It’s some buttons. People are being dramatic.


Ah yes, the old “I don’t have a problem with___! the people I don’t like are fake__”. A classic.

‘Low work ethic’ often is resistance to precarious employment. If all the jobs around you pay <minimal wage, or not enough to live on - why should you break your back for these businesses?

I say this as someone who works two jobs.

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Of course they seem rare to you, you don’t hang out in their circles. Unless you like slumming in LBGT bars+. I know plenty of straight women that do.

Good thing we don’t need your approval or validation. Your feelings don’t mean squat, you guys keep telling that to us all the time. :wink: :kiss:

I highly doubt the entirety of society is going to be turned upside down because of some icon and text changes on the WoW character creation menu dude

You don’t get to tell people how to feel about things. You don’t get to dictate that. Ironically, the approach you take will do nothing but deter people from the outcome that you desire because you invalidate people’s concerns and dismiss them as irrational bigots rather than hear them and have a conversation. You will never win people over with your approach. This will be the last reply I make to you. You cherry pick what I say without even discussing the points I am making because you do not feel they are valid. But that does not matter. There are plenty of people who feel this way and they are not all irrational bigots. You will not gain support through name calling and erasure, you will only gain opposition.

IF you don’t need our approval or validation why do you folks keep trying to force society at large into accepting you.


Who’s forcing? Are they kicking your door down? Does someone have a gun to your head, Screaming “Accept Me”.

I’m enjoying all this. One thing I makes it easy to identify the bigots, also I like watching you guys squirm when I give you a “sly wink”.