About gender name changes

First off i said nothing homeopathic though I know that’s your go to for anyone who disagrees with you. My teens tell me all about what they see in school on a regular basis. These kids are latching on to anything. 40% of gen z is not LGBT, they are children following popular culture.

If being valid in today’s culture means accepting anyone’s feelings as facts then I’m totally and completely good with not being valid.


Honestly don’t mind the pronoun change or even the voice change at least those can be altered to what you want, wished the naming of the body types in the creation screen also had options between Male/Female and Body 1/Body 2 though.

EXACTLY! Thank you. Only the brainwashed Dumb Millennials and Gen Z’ers buy into this crap for real. They replaced how THEY FEEL about something with FACTS, data, and science. These same people say THEIR FEELINGS are the actual science these days. What a joke.


Somebody in this reply chain with a brain! Facts over feelings everyday of the week!


At least you can admit you’re a bigot. And you’re misquoting statistics, something frequent done by bigots to try to engender fear.

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How don’t you see the issue? “let people have whatever pronouns make them feel complete” shouldn’t come with the erasure of selecting a male or female at the creation screen. I agree, do what you want but you can’t support inclusion and this change. They are incompatible.

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Dude, please stop lumping millennials in with gen z. Not even close to the same.

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I why a pronoun make someone complete? This is a real question, I’m not trolling.

I’m seeing an increment of younger millenials (I’m 34, a milleanial too) and gen z identifying as non- binary or have an issue with the pronouns.

Many in twitter now put their pronoun in their profile. When I was in school this sort of thing was not needed. It was easy. Mis-genered people was not a thing, there were other things to be worried about.

Why is this happening?

The changes to the character creation, body type 1 & 2, mean nothing, they are just text a developer changes at will. There is nothing to be upset about. Same with pronouns.

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Does it actually give that option or does it still give the same options as it did with the symbols?

If there is nothing to be upset about, why make the change in the first place?

You can’t say its a big deal for one group but not a big deal for the other.

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It’s not a game option but you are free to define it yourself. Effectively, from what I understand, it just acts the same as it did before.

Honestly I don’t care so much about it but if they are going to give body type options then they need to make gender separate and let people pick the body type for the gender they want .

If it is just renaming the symbols and that is all then why ?

The former to me makes more sense then the latter.

Also to be honest they should of left the old symbols and made the option just pick your pronoun (He/She/They)

lol…I’m not a bigot. I just see what i see and i don’t conform to whatever the latest trend is.
People supporting this stuff are just misguided imo. I don’t hate our dislike them for it but it’s not reality.


Have you considered that one person might have a valid reason to enjoy the change and that you might not have a good reason to be mad about it?

Have you considered the converse??? Clearly not! Wow!! What makes you think I do not have a good reason to be mad about it? What makes you think erasing male and female wont bother people? Holy cow!

The word you’re looking for is inverse. Inverse is the one that means opposite.

Because bigots have been throwing childish tantrums on the forum for almost half a week now and I’ve not seen a single instance of someone having an actual good reason to be mad about this.

Spoken like someone who just took their brain out of the dryer. Nothing’s being removed. They just changed a couple of icons.


I think gender speration is implied by renaming male and female body to body type one and two. I’m pretty sure I did see something about nouns datamined on mmochampion. He/him, she/her, and them/they. I’m not sure where you might pick that but I’m assuming it’s only going to affect quest text.

Bull. And don’t you dare call me a bigot! Not once did I say I was opposed to pronouns. Not once did I say inclusivity is bad. What I have said is that this is not the right way to do it. Body 1 and body 2 do not replace male and female. Add a 3rd option. But why am I a bigot for wanting to be a male or female?

I didn’t call you a bigot. …Unless you’ve been posting some of those bigotry tantrum threads and I just forgot. I’m not great at keeping track of people.

Let’s be real. If they added a third option all the right-wingers would’ve complained about that too. Just like they did with Pelagos or what’s his name. There was no “right way” that would’ve avoided this backlash.

Furthermore, please explain to me why changing the icons is “wrong” without capitulating to the irrational idea that anyone is being erased. You can do it anyway, but you’re just walking into a trap if you do.

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I do not think its irrational to say that male and female are being erased with this. Male and females exist. We cannot deny that, and excluding those terms does not change it. That does not mean we need to exclude people who do not identify that way. I couldn’t care less what right wing or left wing people say (off topic, anyone who just thinks whatever their side thinks, isn’t thinking at all).

I will say tho, a third option would have a lot less backlash than this iteration. And its simple:

Pick male or female and get all the default body type, pronouns etc. without even thinking about it. Pick the 3rd option and customize to the high heavens.

I can’t see what that would be bad. THAT’s inclusive. This is not.

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