About gender name changes

OK boomer.

Options to make everybody happy, So there better be an option to turn it all off so i don’t see it EVER! If not you’re alienating me!

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Yeah the default when people start stating facts over feelings.
Generation z is train wreak.


Science says that 99% of humans are male or female, with under 1% being syndromes, et al.

Gender isn’t science. It’s a social construct, meaning it’s all make believe and actually the polar opposite of science.

The amount of players who use the gender stuff are the extreme minority, and probably hovering around 1% or less.

Male and female players are the overwhelming majority.

Blizzard’s answer to all of this is to remove the male/female option for the overwhelming majority to pander to the extreme minority of players.

This is the epitome of virtue-signaling and alienating the overwhelming majority of players who don’t want to partake in wokeism.

We want an apolitical game, that helps us escape our over-politicized world. Look at all of the companies who go woke and look where they end up.

Get woke, go broke, is always a winning strategy…


It’s a beautiful time to be alive. :sunglasses: :rainbow: :rainbow_flag:


OK Boomer.

I am actually a Millennial. This response is the typical 13 yr old response from somebody “Because you don’t like what I like so I will call you a Boomer, even though I have no idea if you are or not. You went against my views and my feelings and I have no facts to back up anything I say, so take this comment I views as an insult!”


Well, it’s the only valid answer to someone who doesn’t want to change their mind.
Why would I bother answering anything else, or linking researchs from reputable institutions and universities to someone who is stuck in whatever they were taught in school a decade ago, by some teacher who didn’t know better?

So yeah, OK boomer. Have a good day, sir, keep getting your info from facebook memes and alt-right folks ranting on twitter.


lol…no. Its largely a fad with a very small about of them being legitimate.
It’s damn comical to listen to a group of teens sitting around getting excited and trying to figure out “what they are”.
It’s crazy how teens have latched on to this trash. But it also makes sense because at that age everyone is trying to fit in somewhere and find their place in the world. How disappointing it will be when they realize that obsessing over themselves and sex will not fill that void.


Changing their mind means removing logic.
And let me tell you… I’ll be a proud boomer any day.


What are you talking about?? They are not taking away being male or female. You only get the ‘body type’ text if you hover over the button. They are just replacing the gender symbol with a body silhouette. Why is this so threatening to so many people??



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I could honestly care very little and would not have noticed even. I’m 55 and just flat out don’t care what people say they are today.

I guess to the 0.5% to 0.7% of people who identify as transgender(in the United States) it might matter.

The funny thing is I was going to say “the ONE percent of the population”, which as you see would be statistically WAY too high.

The information I found in a quick search:

" According to the Williams Institute, 1.4 million adults identify as transgender in the United States. About 0.7% of adults 18-24 identify as transgender, and 0.5% of adults 65 and older identify as transgender."

So this change wasn’t made for someone like me but rather the 1.4 million people in the United States that such a change would be important to; of course when you add in the percentage of those 1.4 million people who actually play “World of Warcraft” think how INCREDIBLY SMALL that number would be.


Far as I’m concerned go woke, get broke.
Won’t be buying it.


Tik Tok is making y’all dumb.


You aren’t having your gender invalidated. Pick your preferred cis body type and your cis pronouns and you’re good to go.

What you are doing is complaining that someone else is being validated. You’re the kind of person that, back in 1954, was pissed off about Brown v Board of Education too.

I suggest you educate yourself.


Lol… absolutely

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Ignorant reply there.
Brown vs brown is a totally different thing.
I have educated myself and the education says this is a fad.
Look at the number of gen z vs 40 years ago.
That has fad written all over it.


Imo. You can still be male or female. But now you can also be a big muscled hairy woman. It’s just more options not less.


You claim someone’s view as ignorant and then ramble on a homophobic rant. It’s not a fad; it’s reality. I’m sorry that your personal beliefs don’t mesh with that reality and you feel the need to cry out in anger and rage that your outdated, anachronistic opinion isn’t based in fact. But such is life.