Abandon retail development

Agreed, stop work on retail and make classic +. WOW is kinda the D4 waiting room anyway right now.


Retail isnā€™t getting cancelled. Itā€™s the version of the game that makes Blizzard the most money unless you guys are wanting the full retail cash shop /w tokens in your classic + to try and match the same income stream.

Seems like everyone that disagrees with you is considered a boomer. I doubt most of the posters here are 57+.

Clearly youā€™ve seen so much of my postingā€¦ :roll_eyes:

I call people what they are. If they have this blind hatred due to an archaic mindsetā€¦ Iā€™ll call them a boomer.

You use that term in almost every post. Just a friendly fyi. Most of the players you frame as boomers are not actually boomers.
Boomer: * Baby boomers are anyone born from 1946 to 1964.

Yes, you could call them anything you like but it looks dumb calling a 25 year old a Boomer.

Classic anything is NOT going to bring in NEW players or bring back the millions of lost players. The people who want Classic and its offshoots are an ever-shrinking group. WoW is an OLD game and WoW Retail is BLOATED.

THEY need to come out with a NEW MMORPG, either a reboot of WoW or a new IP (donā€™t know if a Starcraft MMORPG is workable) but something new.

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Dunno about Starcraft but I could see Diablo in MMO format. Couldnā€™t imagine the backlash closing down WoW would cause though. Just take the tears shed over no longer available xmog and mounts and magnify that by 100.

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Would love a Starcraft MMO. Not sure itā€™s feasible


This is the company today that sees this fan project as a way to funnel people back into the main event - retail. Theyā€™ve been pretty upfront about it. Ion has pretty much winkingly confirmed this in interviews. Seasonal has been an interesting development and gives an inch or two to vocal players asking for change. But some things like Heroic+ in Wrath Classic hit very close to priming players for a system you may like in retail (Mythic+). As much as some here would love to have Classic+ and what it means to us as players have admitted - itā€™s just wishing at this point. Unfortunate that others have chosen to be hyperaggressive about their own wishes.

Which leads us to the second obstacle you identified: the players.
Neither retail nor the dual versions running of Classic have the market cornered on spiteful, selfish abusive gameplay. You only have to scroll up in this thread to see anime Team Rocket going at it. The OP got the initial response from me because of the deliberately inflammatory title and content. If the title had been ā€œAbandon the classic projectā€ it would have gotten even more bites. This is not to say that people cannot hold these opinions but rather if we are to be a community that respects the players around us then we go at this a bit more constructively. Yeah itā€™ll still be a dream board but it does give opportunities to Blizzard to hear from the general playerbase rather than solely targeted groups with a vested interest.

I knew youā€™d recall my prior attempts at soliciting optimism in this forum and elaborate not just for me but for others that might not have a longer history here. I appreciate your candor and your respect for mine.

This is the kind of constructive, without condescension idea that can be productive.
Makes me wonder what could happen if the MS deal does go through.
Would that open up access to other IPs not currently available to ABK?


Blizz should sell the rights to classic that cares to develop it. But come on.

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Youā€™ve clearly seen every post. Lol.

That is your opinion, itā€™s not going to change anything nor is what you said anywhere close to true

Season 7 was just as bad as 8 and full of ridiculous plot holes

we already have HC. get the addon.

I agree but I still liked season 7 a little better.

The scene where theyā€™re eating chicken pot pie in a tavern and discussing dragons.

A RL thing like eating dinner while mixing in fantasy as if it were part of everyday life; itā€™s little things like that that I like.

Both are jokes, one is a nostalgia driven game abducted by cringe private server tryhards and the other is just the same old souless lobby arcade weā€™ve been playing since Legion.

oops nvm didnt read fully what u quoted

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Surprised they dont pull an elon, fire 75% and then refocus on classic

Yeah, they should. They already have the lore in place to make Classic the only one. Just have Chromie come in at the end of Wrath and be like ā€œOh, weā€™ve found a new timeline in the Caverns. Blah Blah Blah hereā€™s what could happen if you do thisā€¦ā€

Boom. New timeline branch. Build upon what made Classic great. Throw all the laziness the developers built into WoW around Cata to fit their own play styles. Build a game the players want instead of a game the developers want this time. There is so much unused/unexplored lore of Azeroth without just adding 1000000 different islands and 1000000 different storylines in 1000000 different universes.

Wrath and tbc are already retail WoW. Neither are Classic. The new timeline would begin in Classic Eraā€™s ā€œPhase 7ā€, possibly kicking off with a quest to crater that Dark Portal into retail once and for all.

Or we could alllll just quit wow because itā€™s trash now. Itā€™s a fortnite MMO rainbows and pixy dragons such a silly mess compared to what it once was in its prime wotlk if they kept following the trilogy and didnā€™t change the game entirely it could be something great

Every class can heal or shield now

Youā€™ve got a furry class

Again weak looking silly pixy dragon race

Blizzard ruined combat rogues and made them piratesā€¦ outlaw or whatever you call it.

The game feels lonely af

Thereā€™s no excitement anymore everything feels like a chore and nothing feels like an achievement

PvP has been tucked away into a corner thereā€™s no love for PvP progression sucks and they only concentrate on pveā€¦ some of us only play for PvP

Wtf happened to the reason wow existsā€¦ horde va allianceā€¦ now we raid PvP and dungeon with Eachother what is this blasphemy

Srsly canā€™t wait for a better MMO fk this game

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