Abandon retail development

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I’m sure this idea came with financial analysis and wasn’t an idea that was produced due to an extra long stay on your toilet.

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Wrath was, and still is, retail trash.

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Just like r

nah keep the Isle of Quel’Danasm, OG dragon isles, kahrazan, northrand and other zones that were in development but weren’t put on lunch make

So to clarify, clunkier systems AND less content?

And servers that the majority of people leapt away from the moment they could, originally? And choose not to opt into, today?

Smells like an L. A capital L

How about, no.

You do realize that retail pays for classic…


I’m glad I saw this today, it made total sense lol

They should obviously put all their resources into a version of the game fully destroyed by botters, script injectors, gold black marketers, gdkp rampant degenerate communities buying gold. RMT, and lets not forget the horrible people that play it aka the discord ddos’ers that lure players into discord to ddos them

Yea retails like not worth it over the hot n spicy alive and totally not botted player count classic servers

i think ur smoking crack b/c i have played pretty much non stop since classic release in 2019 and have not had a problem with any of this.

lol the doomer take is real
better turn on no surprises by radiohead and smoke a cigarette while thousands of ppl have fun in the distance xD

Imagine paying to play a game you hate. :clown_face:

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got some high hopes for riots mmo. nothing major was said about it besides they are doing 1.

Lol y’all crazy

Trash post.
Classic is a barely playable novelty at this point.
Dragonflight’s story is 20 times better than everything before WotLK, and the only shock here is you’re not a lvl 55 DK spamming trade chat in a Nixxiom machinina

I disagree.

I’ve got a great idea, how about we don’t do anything that OP posted and instead we just stop posting cooked takes on forums.

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I cant really argue it but I would state that Classic still has the potential to be a good MMO experience but its being held back by a large portion of players.

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This is a bad idea. Retail is much better than classic now. I never want to go back to classic days



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