A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Could be because the members of DJL think your argument and claims are extremely stupid.
If you knew we had only 6 ( was 9) SPM members in that wargame why did you wait until you lost to say something?

That statement points to yourself as an outsider and you being outsourced. This is basic stuff that you fail to grasp.


It rhymes with his name. Add the garden tool that isn’t the shovel to the end, and voila! That’s his name to us. Why I don’t like him? His treatment of women and his right leaning spew I hear about. I’m a rabid socialist. And he’s always been very toxic towards us.

Wait. But I thought SPM only consisted of these idiots:

Aren’t there just as many DJL people posting? Where is Bobos? Also, whose thread is this? And who started this issue?

There were only 6 SPM players.


(or NINE!)


I literally had people in that raid group whispering me and stating in raid chat itself that they were offering to sit out for me to get in because of the limited space and I outright said I’d rather volunteer to sit out instead because I knew how sociopathic Alliance Epic BG communities can get.

I sadly wasn’t wrong, clearly. You guys are unhealthily obsessed (over an unrated wargame, I might add) and I honestly would rather take RBG drama and toxicity related to that bracket over the steady, consistent toxicity of all of you epic BG premaders acting like schoolgrade children in terms of maturity.


So now it’s they did outsource to me but I was begged to.


No, we had more than we could bring…

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Dodging the entire statement that I just called you guys and your toxicity worse than RBGers.


Oh how fun! Can I start?

Coquette of the House Stormpike Militia, the First of Her Name, The Time Lord, Queen of the Community Wargames, Tolerator of the Krienn, Formerly of Alliance Vanguard, Member of Ruthless Renegades, Healer of the Great Snow Fields, Protector of the Alliance, Lady Regent of the Epic battlegrounds, Streamer of VoDs, and Mother of Trinket, the giraffe battle pet.


Because that’s another baseless claim that goes off on another tangent. Your opinion is irrelevant when you yourself have 0 knowledge on SPM by your own admission and when you can’t keep your story straight.

Furthermore if it is to be believed you were a banned SPM years ago because your behavior was atrocious which i’m seeing evidence of right now.



I’ve never been in SPM, what are you on?

You’ve had one too many Sulfuron Slammers, Dark Iron.

So that reinforces my other point

And before you try to twist words again

This was on Saturday. So you had zero knowledge of SPM, making your assesment of SPM premades an ignorant opinion.

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None of this matters

We won’t be doing wargames with them again, so bickering is pointless. We’ve already established they outsourced players. They’ve lost credibility and respect. Let’s move on. We will crush them on the battlefield when we encounter them. May the best team win.

Now, the pugs get to decide which team is best.

Which side do I help?


well you made a claim so post a ss as proof just saying it doesnt prove anything imo .

thats liek me saying you said you love burger king to me in disc and stating it as true like what bri come on now

Yes, let’s the “You’re not my Dad begin!” :smiley:

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I’ve seen the post. I verified it.

yes but tech both teams did this

Then there would be proof to be posted

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Magdalum is gonna run out of gold paying off all the pugs for a win.


this had me rolling :sob: :skull: :joy: