A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

After today I can 100% say you’re not

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You 100% sure about that?


It has already been stated that I’m a DJL mod for the crossfaction community that they have, DJL3.

I’ve known Torture and a large amount of her community since Legion when Torture and others were a part of the Omni community in Legion Ashran, and then later the Horde WPVP community also called Omni. I ran both of these with people like TK and Senseii as admins.

I don’t think I’ve ever called myself an outsider, where did you get that assumption? I simply said I was sad there wasn’t room for me in the wargame; my reasoning for that was that there wasn’t room for me to fit in as the only crossfaction player in the group and I’d forgotten to sign up to the actual event but still intended to participate if there was room based on that technicality. I also don’t want to take away the enjoyment of the game from others because at the end of the day it’s just a wargame and there’s no rating attached to it. There ended up being room due to certain statements said by someone in the Discord that ended up eliciting their removal from the event.

I’d appreciate if you stopped being disingenuous and making up things I’ve never stated and then trying to pass them off as fact.


I knew it!

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Thank you for bringing the old legends into this. It warms my heart thinking about those times

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Schrödinger’s Wargames, we both have NO friends and have too many friends.


what’s this about lying?

It’s rather simple to solve this entire thing. Name the people you don’t think are SPM so we can put it to rest. You guys made the claim and in any argument you have to back it up.

SO far we have 29/30 which matches DJL inviting karie



Just come on already

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It appears you think that ‘outside person’ means ‘outside the community’. In this context it was outside of their main faction. Again, I was the only Alliance player in the group.

It’s really odd that you all are choosing such an odd hill to die on. I couldn’t care less about how much straw-grasping is being done to try and prove that I’m an outside element, but DJL really didn’t invite anyone that hasn’t been playing with them for multiple months to begin with. I was still playing with them while they were using the Corpse Corps discord.

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I think they’ve said pretty much the entire team outside a handful of people:

So, we’d need to go through most of the roster and explain each player’s relationship to SPM.

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And I have to commend you my dear Tortoise. You as a leader did everything you could to rise above mud throwing and baseless accusations thereby paving the way for a drama free environment.


I try to be a good person and a good leader, but even I get angry sometimes. I don’t trash my team ever.

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Nor do you trash other people or communities which is what I like about you.


Toothless, yeah I don’t like him at all.


You said outsourcing, and called yourself an outsider.

That list is 6 they claim in the video there was only 9 SPM. They also claim 75% of them are not SPM, yet can only provide one person saying they were not a part of SPM.
The story is constantly changing and the burden of proof is supposed to be on the accusser not the defendants.


Really weird that none of DJL is sitting here spam-liking their own community member’s posts to garner the illusion that more people are in agreement than in reality, whereas I can blatantly see SPM doing it.

You clearly don’t understand what context means, but alright. Please keep staying in your own false sense of reality.

At this point, I think we’d need to list all 30 players and detail each person’s relationship to SPM.

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SS plz :camera_flash: :camera_flash: :camera_flash: :camera_flash:

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i do giggle everytime you call him that . May i ask why i dont liek him either but its hilarious

Doesn’t need to be posted, they already admitted to it