A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

That is

I’ll need a screenshot. I also need the list of the other names then you can get to the bottom of this.

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How about we list who we know was SPM in there, as that list is far shorter. Yourself, Mizriz, Magdalum, Kayday, Deacon, and Bobos. Juugaa may be an OG but not part of the regular weekly team.

My good friend Kekdasneak invited Roxeni

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Why is the angry dwarf lying

And no matter what anyone says you will twist it to your favor. Reminds me of arguing with these red hat toting fools…In the end, you’ve lost respect and credibility. Important things in the pvp world.

She’s a part of SPM though, there is a 7 year old video of her playing with SPM when they hunted Hydra.
Happs is also a member along with most CBH since we would regularly queue up with them.

I Don’t have anything personal against your torture or your group. You guys make the game very interesting and fun, but I don’t like baseless accusations when you can’t provide good sounding arguments to back it up.
Just because you don’t see them on monday nights doesn’t mean they aren’t a part of the community. If I didn’t get the job schedule changed you probably wouldn’t see me in SPM at all until the saturday Wargame. That’s not because I no longer associate myself with SPM it’s because I can’t make it due to real life obligations.

Quote the lie.


Yup that’s all of us

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Uh, I’ve changed my mind. I don’t think we should go through the team roster and examine each individual closely.

Please no.


We already have. It’s in our discord.

I said your claim about him not being a part of SPM is legit.

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Yea I know people being invited to the community the moment the wargames started technically makes them SPM

You literally just got caught in a lie.

Man up to it jesus

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So I should call you DJL cause you’re on my btag Bri. Makes sense huh?!

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You are using a backwards logic to save face. I already said Rox is a legit argument on your part but the other “anynomous members” need to have their names revealed otherwise it can’t be counted.

I needed a good laugh :slight_smile:

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Just join the discord already

I said I might already be in there.


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I also want to share the words of a man of very few words:

“And its funny, because I remember Zeela and Yaga both adamantly refused to wargame them way back when…and it was mostly because those two were chicken sh*t, but they would always insist that it would create nothing but drama. I can’t believe it but Zeela was right.”