A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Yea cuz you’re not in my discord dork

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And maybe you aren’t


till next time Molecule Man.

I got tree farms to build.


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Don’t do the pikachu face…


My only weakness… cute sad things…

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You are going to have to name names if you want to be taken seriously. Roxeni is a legitmate one but the others that are anonymous have no real merit, since it could easily be a lie.

Such as
" multiple players on torturekilla’s side have personally told me that they never even heard of DJL before the wargame."

I have a hard time believing that. Are you telling me he joined a raid of 30 people, entered a discord with 28 people talking about fighting another premade and thought to himself “Must be a 10v10.”?

But lets also question why DJL didn’t say anything during the early game. It was only after that their loss was confirmed that they started to make claims that SPM had everyone but SPM in their wargame.

Let’s also look at the logic behind their accusation.

They are basing their claims on the fact that the team they fight on a monday night around 9-11 pm was different from they team they fought on Saturday 8 pm.

They even say that Monday they have less players on because

But they refuse to apply that same logic to SPM.


2000th post

Edit: Oh damn Ragaren beat me by like 1 second

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Or you could just be honest at who was and wasn’t legit

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Pretty sure it has been stated already. You just follow torture because you have a relationship with them and are biased.
And all DJL has is that they don’t recognize names from a community that is 7 years old because they faced a smaller amount on a work night.
At this point it is a he said vs she said fight in which the video shows that it wasn’t even people related but a lack of leadership on DJL.


Do you want me to just post the screen shot of rox saying he had no idea what he got invited too

would that shut you up lmao

I want the picture of the “others”

And Rox saying he thought it was a 10v10 when in a group of 30 either means he’s lying or just stupid.


tfw the 1400 ret is calling multi hero rogue stupid

Getting high rated in a video game has no correlation with intelligence. To make such a statement would be equally as stupid as not being capable of realizing that a 30 man raid doesn’t add up to a 10v10.


Does cheating in a friendly wargames take intelligence?

This was the 2000th post:


What about the part that they didn’t know SPM but were asked to play…that is the part that inquiring minds want to hear more about and it’s the crux of the issue. Which has been repeatedly deflected.

I’m asking for proof. you made a baseless accusation based on 1 person’s account who is sketchy at best since his story shows extreme incompetence.

I already adressed his claim is legitmate about not being a part of SPM, however that is 1 person. I want to know about the “others”


I gave you proof and you called it stupid LOL

ancedotal evidence is not reliable evidence. Please re-evaluate your “proof” and come back to us when you have a list of names that were duped and not a part of SPM.

The rogue is legit now we need the names of the other 20


You’re acting all high and mighty when you brought in a known epic bg leader and player, Karie, who called themself an outsider. You lost because your group had bad leadership. Accept that and move on. You’re just displaying that poor sportsmanship you apologized for earlier.


My proof is someone saying quite literally

“idk what that was I dont even do epics I thought it was a 10v10”

Yes. For the people not in your Discord. Not for me obviously because I might already be in your Discord.

Also, who invited them?