A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

you can stop rping on every alt you know lol

I couln’t play casue i’m horde :frowning:

You couldn’t play casue ur lvl 70. Hows boosting crusade noob?

how many alts are you going to spam the thread with ?

Firends lettuce remember that the new meta is the monk! Lets direct our frustrations at blizzard for not bringing balance to the pvp!

Alt do not exist there is only SAS glads. We are many we are legion!

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Are you quite done ?

Ya that’s about it

But wait! there’s more!

I bet you didn’t see that coming!

Why are you spamming

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I didn’t. I really thought you were tapped out on alts


It’s really not a short list

Man how sad are you that you’re sitting here having a conversation with your 10 alts

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You’re just mad this thread is exploding!

You’re just mad the only way you can justify your win is by spamming the thread so no one can have a conversation LOL

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I agree with you! All of us SPM got sidelined by the SAS players! Look at the nearly dozen individual players that can attest to it in this thread! SPM cheated!

Ignoring the fact that Roxeni, and a few others personally have told me they have no idea who yall are they were just coming to a random wargames

u right

Yall literally lied to them and told them it was a 10v10 so they’d join

Ah yes, more spam inc. poggers

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That’s completely correct we specifically said the war game was a 10 vs 10. That’s why SPM brought AT LEAST 30 SAS members and they brought 20 SAS members. I can’t believe I played with them I feel gross. Blizzard should probably just ban all of them for violating wargames rules chapter 7 page 2842 subsection Deeze of the 3rd edition line 420!

Roxeni isn’t even in an epic community what are you on about

Side note: Torture why did you agree to wargames these clowns anyway

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