A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Excellent! I’m the time keeper, or something. I got our history all the way back to the Community Forum Wargames. (8 years!)


I shall keep an eye out for TENNEATHRO!



That is very KIND OF YOU!!!


12k views ladies and gents! SPM main thread up UP and awayyyyyyyy!!!


i would say even if i put a 30 man together i could prob beat them aswell . Did you see how unorganized and a hot mess their comms were from that video ? im surprised they got as far as they did . Framm is an exception . Framm is cool . Framm is innocent and just likes to have fun .

from y understanding neither side had enough players to make a wargame so both sides had to grab ppl

Did you and I watch the same video? I thought they were pretty organized.

you think they were organized ? just listening tot heir comms was a headache enough . Too much talking not enough strats . Some lady complaining about mac ? Same lady complaining all game . Guys talking over eachother couldnt hear their strats . watching them get wiped at gy .

yeah looks like it which i guess happens …i certainly didn’t help being signed up for 3 weeks to have to miss it for real life issues.

But the calls were good. They should have all listened and went to Van when it was called. They could have won then.

Maybe I’ll skip epic bgs tonight.


idk how any one could listen with all that chatter and banter a mess . Also the key word here is should have but they didnt .

nah def q up

edit rn is a good time for alli for epics lotta winning going on rn

We weren’t organized we called for things and they didn’t happen. It was a cluster-you-know-what and it’s on me. Our target caller was rez bugged. Disc chatter was incessant even though I asked for quiet before we started. It was not a good game for us at all. The other team didn’t bring the team we play each week, we’ve been over that. In the end, it’s unsportsman like conduct on my part, and for that I am sorry. I still stand by everything I said though. And for the record, every single person we brought was a DJL member, including Karie, who is a mod for DJL3, the cross faction community. We will meet them again in AV as we q normally and I have the utmost confidence in DJL to prevail.

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It’s true, it’s all true. The 50 players we had that game 30 on ours and 20 on yours were SAS Glads at 3700 elo we hired for 65 million gold each. We had Oca in a separate discord channel leading everyone and what you were listening to was a prerecorded chat gpt script. SPM itself doesn’t even exist you were playing yourself this entire time mwhahahahaha.

SHut up! You and your stupid portals are the reason I couldn’t get in the game!!! ANOTHER SAS BOT TAKING SPOTS!

Man i missed playing with myself…ffs

Ya they wouldn’t let me in either!

Yall done talking to yourselves?

THIS IS SEWRIOUS! We got sidelined :frowning: