A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

meh yeah don’t think so but good try …strats and solid teams win games not individuals

But then why is Tortoise acting this way and not saying gg?

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Well OCA good bad or other is not a regular member of SPM …i am pretty sure that’s the sticking point not whether he is a good player or bad or made any difference at all. I am not torture and i am not speaking for torture. I merely cried foul when i saw that name listed on the SPM team

But what do people want from us? To lose? We showed initiative and did what it took to win. Okra was the key.

lol go back to work …i have to go watch vids and see what actually happened …i just wish it was a little more those two teams playing …it would have been cool for me at least to know it was a legitimate clash between these two …but i also understand with these things last minute absences and need to fill spots may call up the need to call in someone who isn’t the normal everyday member of a team…both DJL and SPM are smaller teams with good solid members i bet if it was a 20v20 it would have been more the normal names we see every time we come together.

Oh snap is that how it goes then? When I was in SPM I guess I couldn’t have played with Alliance Vanguard. I guess I couldn’t have played with Prime. Now that I have no guild, I guess technically I can’t play with SPM nor Ruthless Renegades. Oops. brb to form guild Stay in Your Lane. :rofl:


where were you anyways??? i woulda thought you would have been in the match?

I don’t play on Saturdays.

ah well that’s on miz i suppose…want me to hit him with a pumpkin…i will

If you were in our moccasins what would you have done? We had bad players and also not enough.

i woulda played with my crew…win lose or draw…i’d rather lose with my crew than to win any other way

But I don’t like losing. You are going to watch the video right? As you watch, just ask yourself, how would you defeat them? I have never seen such organization, target calling, and good strategic calls in my life. They didn’t clutter disc and everyone kept a cool head.

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Look on the bright side, we all get better by getting stomped by superior players, if we think about how to improve. Beating mouth-breathers has no benefit.

… I will still complain bitterly about demon hunters, blood DKs, and guardian druids tho.


from what i have seen in all spm videos and streams they are a solid team with cool heads …they have fun even when losing…i have nothing bad to say about the demeanor i’ve at least seen in SPM vids …i find SPM to be the calmest and probably more organised teams imho

meh it’s a game…and the fact is if you always win it would be boring …it’s the loss that teaches you and makes you try harder. So i’m with you on this one.

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This is FRAAM
My Frost DK’s name is Tenneathro.
She is a TROLL!!!
She need’s to upgrade her armor,
Then she is ready to Roll!!!
We are so excited to get her


Look Crocket. I’m already one of the top players so losing has no benefit to me. I win. That’s what I do. At any cost.

I don’t play on Saturdays. Though would be willing to buy some rogue ringers for the other side, I enjoy a good sapping.

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I enjoy watching the streams you put up Coq btw

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This is all 100% my fault. You see, usually I spend my Friday and Saturday nights with my true love. But I should have just explained to my wife the importance of this match. The balance between Alliance vs Horde (+1 Ally) is too important, and in any case I have a comfortable couch I could always sleep on. If I had been able to join in this epic match to fill the last roster spot, I’d only be ringer-light and no one would have noticed or called foul. I will try to do better.

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