A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Saying OCA plays with SPM is a bit disingenuous i’m sorry and if you went to that length i’d call other things you did to win suspect. I honestly thought this would have been a fair match as both teams have in the past played with honor at least.

It was a fair match. He’s played with us before like I said and he will in the future if he wants


Hell i was slated to play with DJL but had something come up. Cinco is right SaS players are not all SaS exclusive they play with other horde teams and alliance teams.

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That says enough for me to know they type of person you are tyvm…you can take the honor out of the OP if you are being real

Hellokitty we do have honor. You don’t have honor because you are saying we don’t. I literally told you already the honorable truth. We wanted to win so we hired glads and sas to play with us but we payed them. We only benched 22 of our members but they were trash. What more do you want?

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Oca’s name must have upset them.

If it had been me instead of Oca, I doubt they would have cared.


I don’t worry about OCA …but the fact is he does not play with SPM on any sort of regular basis at all.

Karie doesn’t play for DJL but no one cared about that

I bet Oca has played more with us than Karie has with DJL


not regularly but has played here n there in the past and had been for the last 2 weeks more regularly

Tortoise might have a point there tbh. Okra did kind of win it for us. It had nothing to do with strategy because we didn’t target call, have a strategy or organize our team at all.

I guess she did do the honorable thing by telling all those angry New Yorkers to say we cheated and to never play with us again when she realized she was going to lose. That’s good sportsmanship because why would you say gg of the game wasn’t good?

Thanks Okra and sas for the win. I said it officially but I just want you guys to know how much I appreciate you replacing our numbers.

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To settle this dispute in a fair manner, I propose we have a rematch and the team rosters will be approved by both parties beforehand.


But we will lose Sacredcow. I heard the strategy in the masterpiece of a video. There is no way our degenerates can defeat that. We have lost 10 straight to them leading up to the game. Where is the honor in that?


How does someone join your community then ?

First they have to gather a black cat, a toad’s liver, and the left toe of a blind man. Then they have to go to a graveyard. And dig up a corpse.


yeah i tried that …but i think i placed a pumpkinhead in there and it all blew up…lol

You got pumpkin smear on my monocle. Can’t have it

Thanks for not responding to me btw Hellokitty. I would have kept going. I am about to lose my job and excessive posting is just one of the many reasons why.

meh OCA didn’t win or lose the match SPM is a good crew and so is DJL I’m merely calling out the fact he does not normally if at all play with SPM. I don’t think for a moment there was this big overall cheat fest going on most of the names look legit

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have what the pumpkin smeared monocle or my bag o pumpkins?

No he won it for us. I am man enough to say it. He’s a Druid, one of the keys to the game.

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