A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

I’m a very high class member of society highly respected by everyone. I’m an excellent player that is well bronzed and well oiled. I smell of rich oak. I enjoy AV because I find it amusing. I have been watching after Miz for the last few months. People fear me. I’m also trying to help you.

hm never heard of you only miz ,you arnt very scary theres nothing to fear

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Mom wants me to clean my room. She is calling me so I’ll be back soon. This isn’t over. I will respond to you soon KitKat.

That’s because you haven’t researched properly. I’ll be back after I do my chores. This isn’t over

still not scared at all i must go to work ill be back tonight

Last word.

We’re not interested in wargaming with you unscrupulous cootie ridden folk. You’ve lost credibility and respect and I truly meant that. Whole heartedly.

This whole thing just cracks me up. I wasn’t on last night, but I have watched the video. Everyone complaining about SPM bringing in people outside their community. Here’s a fun fact: People can be in more than one community! lmfao. DJL, if you wanna get technical, you had some SAS on your side too. By my count, it looks like both sides had 3 SAS each. Seems fair to me.


This was planned as SPM vs DJL. Their idea to do 30 ppl. Not ours. And every person we brought plays with us regularly.

still aint scared of you and never will be

Oh. I thought you were joking. This is real? But I told you I paid off glads and SaS to play with us so we could win. We only benched 22 people.

How about this. We give it some time for you to cool off and we try again. What do you say?

We’ll see you on the battlefield. We’re not going through planning events over it.

That a girl. We will set it up later.

This is all SAS’ fault! Without SAS and their friends trying to get in on these fun war games, there would have been no accusations of cheating!

The most ridiculous statement yet.




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Just sayin’…again.


Those people are called spies or double agents or triple agents.


lmao. Says the forum troll.


I’m just covering for Magdalum while they finish their chores.


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