A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

This is false. Jugs is a very bad person that occasionally sneaks her way into our matches and then Miz tries to play it off. I have been with SPM for 4 months so I know this.


LOL i can assure you jugaa wasnt behind some master plan you need to relax shes not out to get you


nope cuz

miz confirms it there yuh go your acting liek this is purely your wargame and your community when infact miz is the one incharge im pretty sure . just because miz needed some help doesnt mean you are calling all the shots settle down now

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I have been around for a long time and I think I know these things. If Miz was honest with you, you would know. I’m very smart.

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If only we had heeded the warnings of Yaga and Zeela.

They were trying to save the PvP community, but we didn’t believe them.

Now, they’ve been taken out by Jugaa.

We’re next.


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I’m telling you. Jugs is a bad person and corrupts everything. She is an enemy of SPM but we needed her to win last night. I didn’t pay her though so that’s good.


are you implying miz is lying ? As if id ever believe you

i couldnt eye roll any harder :roll_eyes: pretty sure miz would say so upfront if it was an issue

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You keep siting Miz but he is not the person you think. He is a degenerate and he’s only like 12 years old. You need to do your research.

Jugs is an awful person. Just ask her. Trust me. We played with her last night and I got countless complaints.

My proof: Trust me.

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How does one get in on these games?

You have to be a gladiator and I’ll recruit you. But it’s only for the wargame. You will temporarily replace one of our normal members if you pass. Whisper me your achievement and we will go from there. The more toxic you are the better.

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yeah i do

:stuck_out_tongue: lel

To be fair, I submitted most of the countless complaints.

If you don’t pass Magdalum’s inspection, you can check with Mizriz (the OP of this thread).


I’m just here to point out that Bob Barker made it as close to 100 as possible without going over!


What does this prove KitKat? Why do you keep standing up for the forum troll queen Jugs? What has she ever done for you? Next time I’m hiring someone else to fill her roll.

Tortoise - When is our next wargame?

have i ? all i said was she was still spm even miz said . unless you are calling miz a liar im waiting

also miz had already inv me to add them for future av runs together so yeah i still dont need your approval for anything .

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He is a lair. I have been very clear about this. He told Tortoise he wanted a wargame and then blackmailed me into recruiting SaS losers to replace our regular losers. He’s a loser.

You do need my approval. I’m important.

ok cool so therefor i dont need your approval then next

Next what? I just edited that you do need my approval because I’m important. I had to put that in fast because you ninja edited your post but I fought it because of my 436 IQ

who are you again ?