A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

I wish he’d been in IBT when we stacked it. That was fun but terrible dealing with the LoS

Oh I fully expect it’s a bunch of lambasting from someone who doesn’t actually have a clue what they’re talking about, but has a loud mouth and thinks they have more inherent value than they actually do at the end of the day.

Ikr! This is what gets me too. People think they actually have value LOL. I get you. Keep going.

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Everyone knows that if Karen loses a match, there’s 99% chance of a forum post being made on complaining of the opposite team cheating and how they suck coz Karen has good past arena rating. That’s your mo, youre notorious for that.


Stop talking bad about Karen please. He is good at arena and will be playing on my team one day soon. Where are your arena achievements? That’s what I thought. Some people…

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Karen can’t expect much from someone who plays a mage while their whole team was carried by a fire mage as top dps last night with 142m dmg. 2nd place was 106m. While Mr Arena master over here didn’t even make it top 10 on damage. Maybe the arena rating was bought? Oh my

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i dont bother with arena much i purely do rbgs

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Yes, I’m certainly going to top damage in a wargame where I have to spend 50% of the game running to my team’s graveyard from the enemy’s own. You speak without giving your response much thought. I can either suffer not being viable in teamfight in the event I die, or (and I know this is hard for someone that’s the personification of a brick wall to comprehend): I can make use of it and freely body rez and assault the enemy’s graveyard because the other team doesn’t know how to loot bodies and I release spirit to the graveyard I’m assaulting to begin with.

You think meters matter in maps with objectives. That’s the most glaring issue I think I can see in your entire argument. But please, do insinuate my arena rating was bought, it’s the modus operandi for bad players that can’t reach that rating themselves to always accuse higher exp players of that.

Honestly I don’t know why I’m arguing with someone that I have on ignore on the forum. I lose IQ points doing it.

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I am here to clear the air! I know this has all been bugging you as much as it has me, but I finally got the truth! The deep dark secret of SPM…Mizriz’s full name is ACTUALLY Mizrareus Rizareus, and for those reason I will never play with SPM again because Miz LIED on his own birth certificate. @mizriz

I’m sorry but I am going to have to turn down your application Kitkat. We have a deep pool of people after last night’s wargame and the skill cap is pretty high now. It would have only been for a wargame anyway.

LOL what did you do that was so bad ? i lit rolled laughing when she said that part like LOL

the good thing is i dont need your approval i got jugga n miz so nice try


Jugga is not SPM and Miz is not smart so you still need to go through me. I’m the brains here. Look. I will work with you because of my compassion. I’ll help raise your rating since I am a gladiator.

Better behave in DJL and not pull any weird stuff. That’s the last home you got after being kicked out from different communities. Ps: stop buying arena rating, that’s bad “buddy”


news flash jugaa has been spm since the dawn of time even miz knows that some spm fan u are imposter.

i get it you must be way newer but jugaa n miz n i go wayyyy back in times of zeela n hydra so dont even go there buddy if i were you

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I mean techinically Jugaa is the queen of the trolls so… At least that’s what hydra told me.


Jugaa would have played with DJL if it generated more drama.

Now that I think about it, this whole war game community fiasco was probably their plan.

You can even see Jugaa communicating with the person recording the video. Coincidence? I think not!

oh hydra tbh i kind miss their craziness good times


Hydra brought a lot of entertaiment during the content drought. Hunting them and having the forum wars was a great distratction from the cess pool of RBG drama.

Now it all makes sense. I remember Hydra telling us that Jugaa hired 20 multi-glads to hunt them down during AVs. All of a sudden we have a wargame and accusations fly of one side bringing in high rated players.
It looks like Magdalum is a whistleblower trying to expose the evil plot of the Troll queen.

Truly her evil knows no bounds.

