A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Yes, one was recorded without our consent or knowledge.

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We didn’t bring any players we shouldn’t have. Watch the video. As soon as it’s clear they’re gonna lose they decide our team is only 1/3rd SPM and they go run on van for some reason.


Pretty much.

We had some good warlock ports that split their team up, had everyone listening to target calling and players ccing their healers.

It was less on who was brought and more on who was leading.
Not only that but from what I saw their dps were more focused on trying to maximize their damage on the charts than actually providing meaningful damage.
There are 8 healers for 22 players. little more than 1/4th of the bg was just healers. Target calling in that scenario is critical for a victory and there was barely on the horde side from what I saw.

Also have to question why their main strat caller was back capping mines and sitting at ibgy.


Tripod Tortoise is right about us. She accused us of having 75% of our players as Sas. I actively recruited before the game and between me and Miz, we scrounged up 22 degenerates to replace our ultra-degenerate regulars. She has a point but I prefer to look at the results which was a win. To be fair, she is handling this with maturity and a class that I have rarely seen on these forums.

In my defense, I sacrificed a lot to get them. I’m talking about a few k gold which we all know is hard to come by in retail.

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Yall can joke all you want. You couldn’t beat us with SPM only and brought in people who could beat us. You’ve lost credibility and our respect. Enjoy your tainted “victory”. If it was the same SPM we fight every week and you won I would have said GG, well done. But that’s not what happened.



We beat you all the time. Now add a wargames loss and a truck ton of salt to your record


No, you beat two groups at 11 pm when most of the team has logged. That’s why we asked for a wargame so it would be on a weekend at a reasonable time.

I aint scrolling through 1700 posts LOL

2 hard 2 tell the dk was never anywhere of value

Wait. I thought we lost that. You showed us the screenshot and everything and then posted the next day.

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You asked for a wargame after a long series of losses to us yeah I remember that

You also stopped telling us how many DJL players were in the bg on your side and last time I asked you said you forgot


Literally everyone agrees it wasn’t just SPM.


It was two games late at night after the bulk of DJL went to bed to get up for work. Spin it however you want. What you did was crappy and underhanded.


Uh, did we watch the same video?

The one I saw had a DH.

Also, the video is 49 minutes and 50 seconds long… So unless you watched it at 2.5x speed…

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More like 7 games in a row

Thats the biggest cap ive heard all day

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I’m being serious here. You have exhibited the qualities of a true leader. We brought in 75% non-SPM players by your own words. My pockets back this up and I have been very honest with all of you on these forums.

I admire the bravery you had in calling for Van mid-game when 4 towers were up. Forget North and South. If you can get 10 people up there, go for the boss. I like that. Shows grit and you have it. You go gurrrrllll.

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Monday night games are gonna be really awkward now…



Dh sorry xD

(trying to make a sheep farm atm)

Say somethin’

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