A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

No you did not. Airbnb is from SAS as well. And he is your top dps.

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With respect to their elite skills, were they one of the big reasons why SPM won?

My initial impression after watching the video is that the war game was mostly decided by strategic team movements, bringing more players to the team fights, target calling, and deathgripping the other team’s healers and killing them asap.


Makes me question whether or not a few others I know play in other communities were “legit” pickups

Roxeni can beat me and joker alone in a bg

He can literally beat me with 4 other good players.

Roxeni is VERY good

Competitive integrity is compromised if that’s who you’re pulling in

That’s all I’m saying

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I’m not saying they’re bad in any way.

I’m just asking if they were wrecking in that war game, single-handedly causing a lot of problems for DJL. Did they burn a tower? Did they lock down all the healers?

I don’t recall DJL raging about Roxeni during the war game.

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Roxeni is the kind of rogue that see’s a mayhem proc from an allied destro, smokebombs the destro, and just sits on the edge to cheap shot anyone who tries to stop the damage.

He’s the ultimate set-up guy

I’m sure he worked to perfectly peal for OCA and Jugaa

He’s never high on the charts but he makes everyone on his team better

70% win rate solo over 15k bgs

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Fair enough.


Are we not talking about connect 4 anymore?

Done with recovery?

No but I will play you again. Things will definitely be different this time.

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Airbnb has been with DJL since the beginning. Ask them.

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How different are we talkin.

I’m eating a delicious slice of pizza rn

to put this puppy down, it will take something truly enticing

take your time. I’m multi tasking



2 - 0


That was Miz’s fault. He was helping me and he gave me bad advice.

GG - That has doubled my recovery btw. I lost my shoe.


LMAO that’s funny gg yall

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If we do war games again, maybe we should copy what we did in the past with the bg forum war games by dropping community affiliations and just call it Horde vs. Alliance.

People focus more on fun and it’s less about the “S” community destroying the “H” community.

Just a suggestion.

It’s just sad that SPM grabbed players they shouldn’t have

Ruins the fun and discourages people from doing it again

I spent a lot of time making sure I brought players that fit the bill of our event.

Events like this more regularly would make the forums more fun

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I think I’d agree with you if the players they shouldn’t have grabbed were really throwing off the balance between the two teams.

But, if these players were mostly like the other participants, I think it’s ok in the end.

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is there a vod of the game

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