A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Your sense of reality is severely warped. You need help and have for years. It’s sad really.

I’m sorry, but good luck.

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Mochashake you don’t seem like a lunatic to me. You seem like an upstanding member of high society. Don’t let Tortoise get to you. She is just being a good leader and trying to flush out the toxicity in the game.

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Kek has always been an SPM member for years and years. Karen has no clue and just jumps into conclusions because it contradicts his delusions of grandeur.


On the toon he doesnt have but 2 conquest pieces on?

Most certainly from the rogue I face all day in REGULAR bgs lol?

Yall literally looked at your friends lists and said “who’s the best players I can get for this wargames” and pinged every single one.

Yes he complains to me every week that his ally rogue is undergeared

Tripod you are a real gem. Can I play with you?


What about Roxeni

Literally current hero rogue, friends with OCA, has 8 epics played

What do you like to play?

You ever play connect 4

No because I was never good at that. I kept losing. Do you play?

Undisputed connect 4 champion of the forums

:muscle: :blush:

So you are wanting me to play connect 4 on the forums with you? Wait. Is this a trick? Are you using sarcasm to defeat me? Or are you honest? Choose.

Bring it on.



It’s just that easy hair toss

(thanks for indulging me that was fun lol)

ok lets do it but I am not good at this


GG. I feel like I almost had you for a split second. And then I lost. It brings back painful memories. I will need some time to recover.

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Take your time sis, cool bath, good book, candles.

Might be a good day to break out those really nice bath salts you were keeping for a rainy day.

:clap: :clap:

Treat yoself.

I will after I muster the courage to break myself out of fetal postilion I’m gently rocking myself back and forth in in the dark corner of my room. Then I’ll put some clothes on and prob be fine.

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And they say connect 4 doesn’t inspire emotion.


Are tears normal? I’m just asking for a friend.

Yea I cry all the time

easily 2-3 times a week