A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

changed it to unlisted. try now

ty im watching now sorry for late reply was in a rbg

They should be glad I also wasn’t healing for spm , bcuz if I was it would b dangerous .

Hello kitkatbarnana. Would you like me to recruit you since you are so good? Just link your arena achievements and understand we have a long wait to get in now because of how popular we have become overnight. I can offer you a solid package if you meet our requirements. only for wargames.

Premade AV is the highest form of PvP content and all of our hard work recruiting by paying glads off and temporarily kicking and replacing our actual members has finally paid off.

Thank you for sharing a video of the war game!

That choke point looked like a minefield with traps and flares.

I’m shocked that the recall toy works. Blizzard must have made a special exception for that toy. Or it’s a bug. Should I submit a bug report?

Did Karie use the recall toy? If so, which base did they end up in?

For now, until the rez bug is fixed, I guess war game teams need to have toons on the same faction. No cross-faction teams. Not even sure if you can have two teams of the same faction face off against each other. You might literally need one Horde-only team and one Alliance-only team.

FRAAM posted some interesting pictures in Discord.

It looked like people had fun.

To help clear the air, maybe Mizriz can go through SPM’s team roster and point out who is a SPM regular, a SPM irregular, and a random friend who PvPs.

The person who told you incorrectly that there were 9 SPM there was banned from SPM a long long time ago for yelling at me several too many times

You should be ashamed at jumping to such wild conclusions.

Also never attempt a Van kill when there are four bunkers up and SPM is in the BG. It won’t happen

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Even when you’re on horde side you’re still crying and whining.

No wonder you get kicked, demoted and what not. Karen.


Just got done watching the game. I just want to confirm that the DJL healers were our #1 focus. You had my 100% attention in every engagement. Leebs was a monster.


I can understand why Torturekilla said some things after they were led to believe a large majority of SPM’s team came from outside the SPM community.

From the outside looking in seems like both teams had very talented players. SPM stayed stacked well and moved as solid groups quickly. Where as DJL had a lot of chatter in comms and ended up kinda spread out. Karie (love or hate) usually always has good strats and didnt hear him much making calls. You never know. A rematch could go very differently now that a warm up is out of the way. Really didnt see any cheating. Hell, OCA wasnt even top damage which is unusual. Airbnb was pumping! Good match on both sides imo. Its not like DJL just rolled over. There was just a slight edge on pushing objectives. Yall should do ashran next! Lol


Tortoise did the right thing as a leader by automatically accusing us of cheating when she started to lose. Cheating should not be allowed. I see this as good sportsmanship and it really lays the foundation for a positive premade atmosphere as evidenced in the video. Taking it directly to the forums was classy as well. 10/10.

I’m glad she listened to one of our old members who hasn’t played with us in years who said we only brought 9 SPM because in reality we only had maybe 7. The rest were recruits from SaS.

On behalf of all of SPM, I would officially like to thank SaS for our victory last night. As you could tell from the video, it had nothing to do with strategy at all. Djl was totally organized and didn’t clutter discord with unnecessary chatter or despairing announcements of “I’m dead” when they in fact died and got tbagged. The Van push with 4 towers up mid game was brilliant and would have worked if we hadn’t cheated. All around great game and to all of our SPM members we benched in favor of sas players, you guys are the real heroes.


Hahaha hey now, dont go bringing SAS into this mess. OCA and Kek acted of their own accord and play ally mains. I know youre joking but I honestly hope to continue to play with and against both sides of this in mutual respect. Most of SAS were rooting for both sides and a good match.

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A ‘lunatic’ Jesus. Take this video as a witness. This is the absolute wrong way to be a leader for a community I once praised and still talk about DJL today. But I guess 2 years have changed things. For your members to claim that it was fun, and then for you, Torturekilla, to turn around and call it cheating because you lost? You sound like the toxicity that forced me to leave that wonderful guild and community.


That’s not what I’m seeing, I’m seeing toxic SS’s. But, whatever.

Mac you are a lunatic sadly. You are a good strategist as I said. I was there in that disc meeting with you and Drak if you recall. I gave you a second chance to put all that bs behind you. You refused and held grudges. That’s on you, not me.

DJL knows what happened in that war game and could care less what everyone else thinks or says. We beat SPM regularly, it’s usually a good, even fight, and we know who we fight every Monday and Tuesday…

You do not beat us regularly. We’ve beaten you every time we’ve seen you for weeks aside from one match. Your string of losses against us is what prompted this wargame


Yeah, we do beat you regularly.

Well now you’re a liar


No, not a liar at all. When we have our full team and not just who’s still awake at 11 pm on a work night I might add, we beat you.

Haha like I said one time.

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Miz you are wrong and here is the proof:

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If DJL knows what had happened, then i still stand by my call. “A full apology on forums directed at the mistreatment of several individuals of the opposite gender.” I am glad, I am a lunatic I still stand by what I think is just.

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