A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

He’s trolling you again lol

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Yeah relax…it’s not like they had a whole month to put this together.

I’m mostlly breakin’ stones…Honestly we would have accomodated if they didn’t have a full team. At least give us a heads up.

Tortoise we had to recruit. We earned this victory. I had to pay these people off. It took time. Like I said. Initiative.

Ah, that makes sense lol

yea idk who is who

E tu Icarus? I thought we were friends. We only recruited 22 people guys. I really don’t see what the big issue is here.

I did bring a full team like I said I would. I also asked for healer equalization when I know SPM has a lot more geared healers to bring than DJL.
I could have brought more SAS too but I only brought SAS that have played with SPM before. They wanted to play

Y’all are being so salty over a good game



Yo can I have a slice

im hungry =/


Oh come on give it back =(


Geezus. As ex Horde and ex Alliance leader for me it was fun, but every death and poor strategizing on both sides was bittersweet. Honestly it was like watching children play freeze tag. Yall take this shyt to seriously. .LOL… Where the real horde and alliance at?.. I’m joking.

Like I said I’m breaking stones…its was just kind of a head scratcher for us…y’all whooped us. No salt or sour grapes.

We’ll meet again. Don’t know where, don’t know when.

I got salt for days. They did a crappy dishonest thing. They should be called out for it. It was supposed to be DJL vs SPM. That ain’t what happened.

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I feel like it’d have gone way differently if I wasn’t running back and forth as a ghost half the game because I had to corpse run every time and hope Alliance weren’t at the GY I rez at when I couldn’t body rez. My damage isn’t anything to scoff at.

For the Alliance!

I knew you guys would come out on top.


I heard you whooped them again in a following match? Can’t say I’m surprised, lol.

They beat two groups. Whoop dee doo.

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Always with the excuses.

Good night, Tortillasmella. :slight_smile:


Mhmm. Until I kill you next time.

I don’t know the Alliance names of SAS horde that have Alliance characters, so the only one I recognize there is OCA. And he does say that his main is his Alliance druid. He plays Alliance earlier in the day then logs Horde to play with SAS after. He is an exceptional player though.

Juga too but they don’t usually play with SAS in my experience, and they say that they have been in SPM a very long time.


Here’s the horde view of the wargame.


you might as well have rick rolled us wit that link lol private